中翻英要寄給美國朋友的謝謝 - 過年

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-02-04T00:00

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Tags: 過年

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Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-02-04T12:45
We played fireworks to celebrate the lunar new year. My parents brought me to visit my grandparents and my relatives. They brought me everywhere to play. We also went shopping and had dinner with our friends. We were so happy! And of course, we had red pockets too. This year I started to jog, but because I haven't exercised in a long time, it felt so tiring! However, I will still insist. Hope that I can lose some weight! I already ate less McDonalds meals these days.
How is school in America? Is there a lot of stress? I am so curious! It seems to me that it's very hard managing both education and skating at the same time!
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-02-04T11:15
We played fireworks during the lunar new year. My parents brought us back to granny's house and visit the relatives. They also showed us around and played with us. After that I met some friends, went shopping and had dinner together. It was really excellent and I felt so happy! And of course, most important was that I got so much red pockets!
Now I've already started jogging. It's been so long not doing exercises. I felt so tired! But I'll keep it up! Hope I'll successfully lose some weight! I could only cut the Mcdonald's now!
How your school work in college in the US? Got any pressure in advancing? I am just curious!
I am just thinking, you got to study and practise skating at the same time, you must feel it hard!


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-02-04T00:00
因為我本身有在玩線上遊戲~認識了一個30歲的男生~我們是線上公婆~18歲前我們還有連絡~19歲因為我工作忙碌~加上跟他有些爭執~整年就斷了連絡~一直到2 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-02-04T00:00
之前的我們 ... 真的很好 , 很甜蜜 !!!
我們幾乎不吵架的 。
不知為什麼,我跟我男友 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-02-04T00:00
他24我21!我跟他在一起2個月,本來都好好的,前2天在毫無預警的情況下,他突然跟我說要分手,因為他的家人在and#34;某個國家and#34;只有他跟他的哥哥 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-02-04T00:00


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-02-04T00:00

因為老闆言行不一且一再欺騙員工 (欺騙的內容太多了例如要替員工加勞健保也沒有加等等...)
該員工於是在� ...