中文翻英文 - 過年

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2007-01-21T00:00

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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2007-01-22T17:38
﹡因為有兩個理由,所以可以分成兩句話,比較簡單喔 ,,
----------ܤ:;* 以下為解答 :;"&xi;ⓘⓚ----------
= 我可以在新年時穿新衣服,所以我喜歡過新年.
 I can wear new clothes during Chese New Year , so I like to celebrate Chinese New Year .
= 還有啊,我甚至還可以領到紅包,所以我喜歡過新年.
 By the way , I even can get red envelopes during Chese New Year , so I like to celebrate Chinese New Year very much ,
----------ܤ:;* 希望以上的解答能對你有幫助 :;"&xi;ⓘⓚ----------
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-01-22T21:59
Wearing new cloths to celebrate chinese new year. besides, I can get a cash gift, so I love to celebrate chines new year.!!~reason!
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2007-01-24T17:59
During the Lunar New Year, I've got new clothes to put on and red-envelopes to receive, which are all the good reasons I love Lunar New Year.
或是使用下一句, 較為貼近您的說法
During the Lunar New Year, I've got new clothes to put on so I love Lunar New Year. Besides, I receive red-envelopes during the Lunar New Year, which are all the good reasons I love Lunar New Year.
David avatar
By David
at 2007-01-24T11:10
You can always put on new cloths on Chinese New Year.Besides,you'll get red envelope with lucky money in it according to Chinese's tradition.Those are the reasons why I love Chinese New Year~
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-01-25T14:32
Spend the New Year to wear new dress, so I like to spend the New Year.Still have!!~The New Year's Day can also get red envelope.So, is also I to like to spend the New Year!!~Reason!!>(


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-01-20T00:00
再來快過年了.不知道大家都是如何拜地基主和到底是該在除夕�� ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-01-20T00:00
1.選舉沒有選舉假,只有放2個小時去投票2.2月28沒放假.3.過年只放4天沒補假4.加班費都1.5倍5.公司有時會強迫你放假� ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-01-20T00:00


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-01-20T00:00
聽說這一次西洋情人節在過年前那要如何計劃和情人一起過才好可是又和春節接近.......出遊又不能玩太多天大大�� ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-01-20T00:00
請問有誰在新店耕莘或萬芳醫院的神精外科做過手腕隧道症候群的手術,不知那一家效果比較好,費用呢?可否告 ...