TPO7-2 - 英檢

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-11-21T17:14

Table of Contents

Modern attitudes to Roman civilization range from the infinitely impressed to
the thorough disgusted. As always, there are the power worshippers, especially
among historians, who are predisposed to admire whatever is strong, who feel
more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece. At the same
time, there is a solid body of opinion that dislikes Rome. For many, Rome is at
best the imitator and the continuator of Greece on a larger scale. Greek
civilization had quality; Rome, mere quantity. Greece was the inventor;
Rome, the research and development division. Such indeed was the opinion of
some of the more intellectual Romans.” had the Greeks held novelty in such
disdain as we,”asked Horace in his epistle,“what work of ancient date would
now exist?”

10.10. According to paragraph 4, intellectual Romans such as Horace held which
of the following opinions about their civilization?

○Ancient works of Greece held little value in the Roman world.
○The Greek civilization had been surpassed by the Romans.
○Roman civilization produced little that was original or memorable.
○Romans valued certain types of innovations that had been ignored by ancient

Answer: C

"had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we," asked Horace in his
epistle,“what work of ancient date would now exist?”
主要是這句的文法看不太懂 有版友可以分析一下嗎

◢███████◣ 趕羚羊的!馬力歐快來吃我啊
▌ 皿

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-11-22T11:23
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-11-26T10:14
過去的假設語氣 請強者幫指證 <(_ _)>
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-12-01T03:43
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-12-02T09:48
如果希臘人跟我們一樣鄙視創新 古代人還會留下什麼作品?


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-11-21T16:10
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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-11-20T23:35
明天就要上戰場了 完完全全處女秀阿~~~ 希望一切順利andgt; andlt; - ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-11-20T23:34
因為在報名的時候他有顯示12/4 但考場日期選單出來的時候卻沒有這天 請問是報名額滿才這樣嗎?? - ...


William avatar
By William
at 2010-11-20T19:16
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Franklin avatar
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