TPO6 Powering the industrial revolution - 英檢

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-11-20T17:08

Table of Contents

The source had long been known but not exploited. Early in the century, a
pump had come into use in which expanding steam raised a piston in a
cylinder, and atmospheric pressure brought it down again when the steam
condensed inside the cylinder to form a vacuum.This "atmospheric engine,”
invented by Thomas Savery and vastly improved by his partner Thomas
Newcomen, embodied revolutionary principles, but it was so slow and wasteful
of fuel that it could not be employed outside the coal mines for which it had
been designed. In the 1760s, James Watt perfected a separate condenser for
the steam, so that the cylinder did not have to be cooled at every stroke;
then he devised a way to make the piston turn a wheel and thus convert
reciprocating (back and forth) motion into rotary motion. He thereby
transformed an inefficient pump of limited use into a steam engine of a
thousand uses. The final step came when steam was introduced into the
cylinder to drive the piston backward as well as forward thereby increasing
the speed of the engine and cutting its fuel consumption.

According to paragraph 2, Watt's steam engine differed from earlier
steam engines, in each of the following ways, except:

1.It used steam to move a piston in a cylinder.
2.It worked with greater speed.
3.It was more efficient in its use of fuel.
4.It could be used in many different ways.

答案是1 但是我找不到在文中哪裡有明確的點
我覺得唯一有關連的只有James Watt perfected a separate condenser for
the steam, so that the cylinder did not have to be cooled at every stroke

但是condenser跟piston在文中並不有說是相等的 所以我覺得好怪一一a

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Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-11-25T05:29
要用刪去法啊 2 3 4文中有非常明確的提到
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-11-25T09:38
而且他們在講前後差別的時候 並沒有提到1
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-11-29T23:14
所以我選的方式沒錯吧 "因為另外三個都刪去了 只好選一"
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-12-02T20:16
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2010-12-04T05:00
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-12-06T23:16
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-12-09T17:30
對阿 下週六就要考了 哭哭 現在還是很不穩定 一篇錯2-5


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-11-20T14:05
我想這個問題應該是要分兩個部份,一是ET$,一是學校來看。 ET$部份: 關於這個話題我有寫信向ET$做詢問,由於之前爬文沒看到答案,所以我想說就用回文 的方式,保留一下文章,給以後有相同問題的人做參考。 就我的理解應該就是ET$只會送一次,但是如果在第一次送出後6個月內對方沒收到的話 都可以要求ET$免費 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-11-19T18:20
資料全部填 完,最後進入填信用卡的部份了,也填完點選BUY了, 然後跳出 ERROER * Billing Street Address 1 is a required field and must be specified. * Billing City is a required fie ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-11-19T17:05
找了很多地方載不到tpo13-18的 script 請大大分享一下 感恩^^ - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-11-19T14:29
前言: 曾經承諾過如果考到自己滿意的分數就把經驗拿出來分享。 所以我就來了... 首先先跟大家分享有關於托福單字的部分 --------------------------------------------------------- 基礎依然重要 雖然我的考試最高宗旨是投機取巧,但是如果不具 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-11-19T14:06
: 如題, : 版上有許多考友常在收到成績單後, : 看著自己得到的評等和分數, : 猶豫是否該申請複查, : 所以我想在這邊統整一下我整理出來的對照表(根據版上的分享) : 供以後考生參考囉,謝謝!! (如果你的分數和評比不在這份表上的,請在推文裡提供一下,謝謝!) Score Range SPEAKING ...