TPO21 Autobiographical Memory - 英檢

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-04-20T23:16

Table of Contents

※ 引述《wuhuhu (想像力是你的超能力!)》之銘言:
: 這是一題插入題,我竟然敗了真哭哭 請高手指點!!!
: Think back to your childhood and try to identify your earliest memory. How
: old were you? [A] Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences
: prior to the age of three years, a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.[B]
: The question of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for
: decades, especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young
: children can display impressive memory capabilities. [C] Many find that
: understanding the general nature of autobiographical memory, that is, memory
: for events that have occurred in one's own life, can provide some important
: clues to this mystery. [D] Between ages three and four, children begin to give
: fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past. What
: factors are responsible for this developmental turning point?
: Look at the four squares [A] [B] [C] and [D] that indicate where the
: following sentence could be added to the passage.
: It is unlikely that this memory will be from the first two years of life.
: Where would the sentence best fit?
: ======================================================================
: 我是依照"this memory"可能會出現在上一句選擇C
: 但是答案是A
: 請高手幫幫我!!!大感謝!!!


It is unlikely that this memory will be from the first two years of life.
因為主詞太長了 所以放it 在前方 原句是That~ is unlikely.

this memory 請注意這個冠詞 還有memory的字尾 是個單數的名詞
from the first two years of life
簡單的說 作者認為這個記憶 應該不太可能是 來自你1.2歲的時候


Think back to your childhood and try to identify your earliest memory. How
old were you? [A]

插入就完成了 為什麼呢 your earliest memory 是最高級 當然只有一個記憶是最早的
其實作者用了兩句話 回答這個問句
2.大多數的人沒有辦法喚起3歲以前的記憶 這個現象稱為 infantile amnesia.

這是個完整的2分法 不是1.2歲 當然剩下3歲是大多數人最早的答案

4.如果不放心 我們來看看剩下的三個選項
如果你作了上述3點 仍有疑慮 就可以使用以下關門的方法

B.為何不能插入 因為前一句的名詞是複數的 memories for experiences
他的代名詞 應該是 these memories

C.如果看太快 您可能誤選這個選項
這個句子中根本沒有 memory
因為 memory capabilities 才是個名詞 所以this memory 沒有辦法指到這裡

D. 前面的句子有兩個memory
the general nature of autobiographical memory 是後位修飾
中文翻譯從後面開始 autobiographical memory的 general feature
所以名詞是 以general feature 為主角
this 不能指到修飾語中的東西

後面又有一個memory for events 是 autobiographical memory 的同位語
, that is, 就是換句話說

所以B.C.D都錯了 關門成功
請放心的選A 吧

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-25T06:46
幫推 太清楚了
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-04-27T01:56

美加六樓考場 好嗎?

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-04-20T23:11
Test Center Name: Merica Group Test Center Address 6F, No. 8 Nan-Yang St., TAIPEI 100 報不到其他考場, 只剩這個, 請問這考場如何阿? 有沒有什麼要注意的阿? - ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-04-20T21:54
爬文發現有人討論到這一本 iBT 托福應考勝經─核心單字【MP3 有聲版】 這本挺厚的...有點重 想問一下 有沒有已經把整本背完的人呀? 這本的字彙量很多,有點難 想問說他有包含到GRE的字彙嗎? TOEFL的字彙和GRE的字彙主要是差在哪裡呢? 感覺GRE的字彙都是比較冷僻的單字... 所 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-04-20T19:53
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Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-04-20T19:28
※ 引述《ivan1209 (低調不忘高調)》之銘言: : Paragraph 3: Three other explanations seem more promising. One involves physiological changes relevant to memory. Maturation ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-04-20T17:58
請問,我之前查詢時, 有4/29的場次, 但是今天查就沒有了 請問是我眼花還是真的沒有4/29的場次? - ...