TPO6其中一題 - 英檢

By Sandy
at 2011-04-20T19:28
at 2011-04-20T19:28
Table of Contents
※ 引述《ivan1209 (低調不忘高調)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 3: Three other explanations seem more promising. One involves physiological changes relevant to memory. Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood. And this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later. Demonstrations of infants' and toddlers' long-term memory have involved their repeating motor activities that they had seen or done earlier, such as reaching in the dark for objects, putting a
: bottle in a doll's mouth, or pulling apart two pieces of a toy. The brain's level of physiological maturation may support these types of memories, but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
: 5. What does paragraph 3 suggest about long-term memory in children?
: ○Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important for the long-term memory of motor activities but not verbal descriptions.
: ○Young children may form long-term memories of actions they see earlier than of things they hear or are told.
: ○Young children have better long-term recall of short verbal exchanges than of long ones.
: ○Children's long-term recall of motor activities increases when such activities are accompanied by explicit verbal descriptions
: 我覺得A沒錯耶 = =
: 雖然我事後去看B好像也對
: 我是在想會不會後面BUT那邊錯了
: 可是文章最後感覺也有提到不用語言敘述XD
: 有人可以幫忙提點一下嗎
: 感覺是小錯誤 只是我不知道是哪 = =
這個內容 是關於嬰兒時期的記憶 ETS 在閱讀出過兩次 TPO6.TPO21
這題常常有人問的問題 不過很多解答沒有說清楚 在此把四個選項的說明一次
The brain's level of physiological maturation may support
these types of memories,but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
其實是在說 記憶有兩種
以上舉例的 都很像是某種動作 involved their repeating motor activities
此類稱之為 ''程序記憶''…比方說 騎腳踏車 學走路 換言之是做過某事的記憶
另外一種 稱為''敘述記憶'' 比方說 媽媽教小孩 說故事
如果你問 小孩 會不會說 這個故事的情節內容
這時就需要 詳細的描述情節
The brain's level of physiological maturation may support
these types of memories,
but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
ones 是代名詞 代替memories 這裡說的是另一種記憶-需要使用verbal descriptions者
請注意一下本句的意思其實是 腦部的成熟的程度 能support 程序記憶
但是對於 explicit verbal descriptions 則否
Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important
for the long-term memory of motor activities but not verbal descriptions .
說的是腦的發育對於motor activities 的長期記憶是重要的
而對於 敘述記憶則否(不是重要的)
當時(嬰兒的)腦部發展程度 只能支持他們產生
程序記憶 (而且要透過不斷重複這個動作)
而不能支持 敘述記憶的生成 (換言之必須等腦部更趨成熟 才能應付)
腦部的發育對於 敘述記憶 比較重要
Young children may form long-term memories of actions they see
earlier than of things they hear or are told.
這句話是正確的 memories of actions 是程序記憶
可以透過重複的作 而記起來involved their repeating motor activities
但是 敘述記憶的生成 需要 隨著腦部發育完成 而進步
Young children have better long-term recall
of short verbal exchanges than of long ones
根本是亂說 請注意這裡的分類是敘述(需要較為精確的敘述) 與程序
Children's long-term recall of motor activities increases
when such activities are accompanied by explicit verbal descriptions
這種答案 其實是把你看過的字混在一起 組成句子
但 仔細讀過就會發現 兩者沒有直接關連
are accompanied by
: Paragraph 3: Three other explanations seem more promising. One involves physiological changes relevant to memory. Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood. And this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later. Demonstrations of infants' and toddlers' long-term memory have involved their repeating motor activities that they had seen or done earlier, such as reaching in the dark for objects, putting a
: bottle in a doll's mouth, or pulling apart two pieces of a toy. The brain's level of physiological maturation may support these types of memories, but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
: 5. What does paragraph 3 suggest about long-term memory in children?
: ○Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important for the long-term memory of motor activities but not verbal descriptions.
: ○Young children may form long-term memories of actions they see earlier than of things they hear or are told.
: ○Young children have better long-term recall of short verbal exchanges than of long ones.
: ○Children's long-term recall of motor activities increases when such activities are accompanied by explicit verbal descriptions
: 我覺得A沒錯耶 = =
: 雖然我事後去看B好像也對
: 我是在想會不會後面BUT那邊錯了
: 可是文章最後感覺也有提到不用語言敘述XD
: 有人可以幫忙提點一下嗎
: 感覺是小錯誤 只是我不知道是哪 = =
這個內容 是關於嬰兒時期的記憶 ETS 在閱讀出過兩次 TPO6.TPO21
這題常常有人問的問題 不過很多解答沒有說清楚 在此把四個選項的說明一次
The brain's level of physiological maturation may support
these types of memories,but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
其實是在說 記憶有兩種
以上舉例的 都很像是某種動作 involved their repeating motor activities
此類稱之為 ''程序記憶''…比方說 騎腳踏車 學走路 換言之是做過某事的記憶
另外一種 稱為''敘述記憶'' 比方說 媽媽教小孩 說故事
如果你問 小孩 會不會說 這個故事的情節內容
這時就需要 詳細的描述情節
The brain's level of physiological maturation may support
these types of memories,
but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
ones 是代名詞 代替memories 這裡說的是另一種記憶-需要使用verbal descriptions者
請注意一下本句的意思其實是 腦部的成熟的程度 能support 程序記憶
但是對於 explicit verbal descriptions 則否
Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important
for the long-term memory of motor activities but not verbal descriptions .
說的是腦的發育對於motor activities 的長期記憶是重要的
而對於 敘述記憶則否(不是重要的)
當時(嬰兒的)腦部發展程度 只能支持他們產生
程序記憶 (而且要透過不斷重複這個動作)
而不能支持 敘述記憶的生成 (換言之必須等腦部更趨成熟 才能應付)
腦部的發育對於 敘述記憶 比較重要
Young children may form long-term memories of actions they see
earlier than of things they hear or are told.
這句話是正確的 memories of actions 是程序記憶
可以透過重複的作 而記起來involved their repeating motor activities
但是 敘述記憶的生成 需要 隨著腦部發育完成 而進步
Young children have better long-term recall
of short verbal exchanges than of long ones
根本是亂說 請注意這裡的分類是敘述(需要較為精確的敘述) 與程序
Children's long-term recall of motor activities increases
when such activities are accompanied by explicit verbal descriptions
這種答案 其實是把你看過的字混在一起 組成句子
但 仔細讀過就會發現 兩者沒有直接關連
are accompanied by
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By Skylar Davis
at 2011-04-23T23:31
at 2011-04-23T23:31

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at 2011-04-27T08:04
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