TPO19 人文社會閱讀筆記法 (下) - 英檢

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-04-30T06:36

Table of Contents

有戰友來信 筆記抄不完
再次強調 筆記是用來提醒你重要的點
幫助你思考 不是在抄書 不用把內容都翻成筆記

唯有當你可以完全相信筆記 減少回去看原文的次數時 速度才會提升

如果寫了筆記 重點沒寫到還是要再讀一次原文 時間就浪費了
不如不要做筆記 專心閱讀

paragraph 3 Each soldier received his pay, 【 but in regions without a
developed economy 】there was initially little on which it could be spent.
The pool of excess cash rapidly 【stimulated a thriving economy 】outside
fort gates. Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt
fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, 【but some local people certainly
became entwined in this new economy. 】 There 【was informal marriage 】with
soldiers, who until AD 197 were not legally entitled to wed,
【and whole new communities grew up near the forts. These settlements acted
like small towns, 【becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.


第二段說 有錢可花 (有市場的地方更加繁榮)
這裡說的是有錢有時後也不容易花 (因為這是指經濟原本較未發達的地區)
這些錢被兩種人賺了 1.貿易商 2.當地人(所以刺激了當地經濟)

注意看轉折詞 重點如下

3. 地方 ×dev => economy ↑
誰賺得 $ 1. trade 2.local people
發展 => towns: marriage , communities

所以前半句應該掃過, but之後細讀

注意最後一個 ,becoming 乃是省略連接詞的用法
後面的句子 大多表示影響,結果
因果當然要注意囉 所以再次強調
筆記看的是意思 不要只看because才當成原因喔

7. entitled to = given the right to
en = give 使有
title 權

也可以從informal marriage = not legally entitled to wed

8.According to paragraph 3, how did the soldiers meet their needs
for goods and services?

問的是how 方法
不過從選項中 我發現每個選項的主詞都不一樣

根據上文 當然是當地人分到一杯羹 才會帶動地方經濟阿
A: by the army
B: Most of (出現危險字) 請注意原文是some 因為我們的筆記中沒有最高級的紀錄
C: soldiers自己跋山涉水
D: artisans and traders in nearby towns
答案是D 當然是從forts鄰近的settlements取得的阿

請注意這個選項也包含traders 所以比B更加完整
符合我們的筆記: traders + 當地人

選到B的戰友 請注意''程度陷阱'' 能突破分數就會提升


並不是TPO19很難 而是ETS設計過 有些分數不好拿
但是忽然穿插 比較多的層次 時間對比 還有冷僻用字


深呼吸 把我的模版拿出來
套套看 把這一段當成短閱讀 就好多了

The army 【 also provided a means of personal advancement(提供個人晉升的機會) ★
for auxiliary soldiers(對於 外國軍團) recruited from the native peoples,
as a man obtained【 hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement
( 退休之後成為羅馬公民 可世襲) 【after service in an auxiliary regiment.
Such units recruited on an ad hoc(特別的) (as needed) basis from the area
in which they were stationed(從他們駐紮的地方徵召), and there was
evidently large-scale recruitment within Britain.

[example]The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of
the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), 【with a peak around A.D. 80.

Although a small proportion of the total population,
this perhaps had a 【massive local impact when a large proportion of the
young men were removed from an area. Newly raised(召集) regiments were
normally transferred to another province from whence(應該不用from
因為 whence = from which) it was unlikely that individual recruits
would ever return.

[examples] Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on the
European continent, although one is recorded in Morocco.

【The reverse process brought young men to Britain, where many
continued to live after their 20 to 25 years of service, and this added to
the cosmopolitan Roman character of the frontier population.

By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely
transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were
no longer populated or maintained at full strength.

A. 假設我們已經昏頭了 所以只看到片段的資訊 但是原則不變
很高興又看到also了 那之前的是什麼呢?

paragraph 2 【Economic exchange】 was clearly very important as
the Roman army brought with it
paragraph 3 Each soldier received his pay,

應該看出 provided 對的是 brought
說的是好處 帶來經濟發展 與 地位的提升(變成羅馬公民)
好處耶 當然要記下來阿

B. 不過好處有代價 話鋒一轉 要服役
之後假設都看不懂你也不認識the emperor Hadrian
但是請記得, with a peak around A.D. 80.
為什麼要記? ETS不是不考數字嗎? 等等你就知道了
因為這是最高級考點 達到高峰阿
請不要等the most出現 打上*

C. Although 跳過前半句 , 有大影響
本句前面的文章都說好的 所以後面就出問題了

對個人身份有提升 對國家確有問題 因為青年很多都去當兵啦

D. 當兵去哪裡? normally transferred to another province
it was unlikely that individual recruits would ever return.

E.例子說 大多數Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on
the European continent, , although不重要了...


F. The reverse process 又轉變啦 <>是個神奇的符號
前後的情況會相反 剛剛人被徵召
現在要? 解散

影響 cosmopolitan ↑

G. later Roman period


R: $
R: ★hereditary status => recruite (*A.D. 80)
=> young men ↓

<> young men↑ (later Roman)

看到了嗎 很長的文章整理起來結構相當完整

就是 關係型的縮影
對比(時間 前期 後期)


9According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true
of Britain's auxiliary regiments of the Roman army?

A. reached its highest point during the reign of the emperor Hadrian
有了筆記 你會說No 因為最高級是 A.D. 80

選錯的戰友應該很多是自然組的 ETS 喜歡欺負人
the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138)
一個君王 (時間) 那個時間是他的生存年代啦

B.Most of to Morocco 錯了而且不是 outside Europe

選錯的戰友 請注意 程度問題
還有 although之後的內容不是重點阿
ETS的陷阱就是把錯誤選項出在次要內容 但是只要知道哪些是主要內容就


D. transferred from a neighboring province 根本沒說

所以選C 就對了

ETS 陷阱之 看起來錯誤的正確選項
10. EXCEPT 請注意時間by the later Roman period

A. Membership in the units passed from father to son
(排除A的戰友 您忘了 service in units became effectively hereditary)
同意改寫阿 不要因為原文沒有父子就拋棄這個選項喔

B.C一樣 因為 only rarely transferred 所以正確

D. Frontier units became more effective and proficient

我們容易以為D正確 因為看到effective 但是卻忘了原文是
service in units became effectively hereditary
所以字很像 意思不一樣

如果要突破25分的戰友 千萬要小心這種小伎倆
會讓你選的很順 分數出來...

paragraph 5

settling + recruit => 1. stability 2. B<=>R

之後的also不是平行結構 是個例子
要說的是 B<=>R

記得影響類有說過 ETS 喜歡互相影響
這裡說 不止 natives to become Romanized
前線堡壘的人也變成 effectively British

11. Why題example 支持 frontier garrisons' becoming
part of the local community over a long period


12. circumstances = conditions

13. One solution was to keep them busy as sources of labor
有solution 出現 之前一定有問題出現
所以放在 兵會作亂的句子後方

potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. ■


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2011-05-01T19:53
14會有特別講解 請整理一下本篇的筆記吧
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-05-02T09:47
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-05-04T06:05
大推 這篇中段真的看得很頭痛orz
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-05-06T00:46
解的好詳細! 推! 不過看到一半不敢看完,因為TPO19還沒做到!!
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-05-07T18:20
太詳細了 覺得19不難 就是有幾題有trick!! 感謝解惑!豁然了

知英高分托福閱讀120 第五篇 裡面的一ꔠ…

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-04-29T22:37
※ 引述《v9290026 (JS)》之銘言: : 第五篇 Early American Pottery : 第三段開頭寫到 : The spurt of growth stimulated by the war positioned : the American pottery industy for a ...

知英高分托福閱讀120 第五篇 裡面的一句(句子分析疑問)

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-04-29T20:39
第五篇 Early American Pottery 第三段開頭寫到 The spurt of growth stimulated by the war positioned the American pottery industy for a qualitative change as well. 請問 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-04-29T16:41
聽說南崁要開地球村了,很想就近上托福課 目前考慮的是南崁的驅勢和地球村,因為這兩家都有托福考場 有人在這兩家補過嗎? 費用呢? - ...

登峰 馬翎老師聽力課

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-29T14:59
想請問有上馬翎老師TOEFL聽力課的同學 我是上VOD班 老師的光碟部分是向登峰櫃台借回家燒錄 但是讀取光碟後卻顯示光碟內容只有210MB 和老師上課所說的內容不同 換了兩台電腦讀取情況都一樣 櫃檯也表示只有這片光碟 請問是不是光碟內容就只有210MB呢? 謝謝各位 - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-04-29T11:03
之前在板上看到有人推文馨的字典 這兩天在台北車站逛書店街時 看到一本 and#34;文馨最新英英英漢雙解辭典and#34; 翻閱後覺得確實不錯 排版很好 同義(or近義)字詞的分辨 字詞搭配、用法 每字每義每片語皆有例句...等 還有許多貼心的功能 是一本學英文很棒的工具書 (感覺像在為他們 ...