TPO19-Discovering the ice ages - 英檢

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-03-24T07:57

Table of Contents

※ 引述《pandora8 (pandora*)》之銘言:
: 想請問最後一題(28)的C選項:
: Isotopic analysis of marine sediments showed that periods of glaciation and
: deglaciation were more frequent, shorter, and more cyclic than previously
: thought.
: 這個選項為什麼不能選? 文章的最後一句講的不就是這意思嗎?
: 原先是只有陸地的化石可以提供資訊,
: 後來有了isotopic analysis 就可以從海洋化石得到資訊.
: 因此有了與先前不同的結果.
: 感覺這個選項也不是細節, 也是挺重要的一個結果.
: 請大家幫忙一下.
: 不好意思破解版TPO的選項無法複製, 麻煩大家自己看內文了~

通常包含一個段落以上的內容 就極有可能是答案

Discovering the Ice Ages 是一篇結構很簡單的文章


第一 段 最早發現的ice age 證據
Louis Agassiz was the first to note signs of
glacial erosion and sedimentation in diverse regions
of Europe and North America.

下面還要選3句話 卻有五段 可見一個選項不一定只代表一段

Evidence of a pattern of glacier-like deposits eventually
convinced most geologists that an enormous continental glacier
had extended into the temperate zone

第三段說 became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during
所以選 Nineteenth-century geologists studying the layers of
drift concluded that during the Pleistocene epoch
several glaciations had occurred with war periods between them

剩下的兩段都有 shell. oxygen-16 ,Isotopic

Isotopic analysis of marine sediments showed that periods of
glaciation and deglaciation were more frequent, shorter,
and more cyclic than previously thought

Tags: 英檢

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Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-03-28T23:11

TPO19-Discovering the ice ages

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-03-23T22:54
想請問最後一題(28)的C選項: Isotopic analysis of marine sediments showed that periods of glaciation and deglaciation were more frequent, shorter, and more cyclic tha ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-03-23T20:51
你是否對托福還一無所知? 你是否已長時間在家自習卻還是毫無成效? 面對漫漫留學長路,字神帝國知道同學在準備上的辛苦, 因此特別為同學開設了『托福培訓營』,由康老師親自率領帝國名師, 破解最新托福考題,目標要幫助同學在短的時間內抓住托福精隨進而考取理想分數,協助 同學在準備考試上更加輕鬆! 凡是在本篇前50名按 ...

今天到台南寰宇一趟(Not 葉佩雯 )

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-03-23T15:44
※ 引述《askaleroux (aska)》之銘言: : 今天到了台南寰宇一趟 : 其實也有到戴爾看看 : 不過他說到沒有人笨到托福不補習的 : 有個台大外文沒補考了60-70 BLA BLA : .....版上不是很多這樣的高手嗎=_= : INT+IND 衝刺要 4W多 : 我是個窮酸書生沒有那麼多錢 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-03-23T14:35
文章出處: ※口說小俚語※ No.296 《to go psycho=抓狂啦》 【實用指數:97 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-03-23T09:01
※ 引述《SILee (working for what?)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Noreendong (Piglet)》之銘言: : : 托福寫作部份拿到GG,卻只有25分 : : 目前在考慮要不要申請複查 : : 雖然考試的目的只是畢業需要,總成績也已通過門檻 : : 但總覺得準備了這麼久的考試,當然 ...