TPO18Industrialization in the Netherla - 英檢

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-02-05T12:28

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※ 引述《xu3jp68 (信箱爆炸..XD)》之銘言:

: Paragraph 6:The key factor in the success of these countries
: (along with high literacy, which contributed to it) was their ability to
: adapt to the international division of labor determined by the early
: industrializers and to stake out areas of specialization in international
stake out 就是用木樁 標示出土地的邊界

Police Stake Out Brett Darrow Home
指的是 派出警察 監視.巡邏某個地區

stake out areas of specialization in international markets
for which they were especially well suited.

: markets for which they were especially well suited. This meant a great
: dependence on international commerce, which had notorious fluctuations;
: but it also meant high returns to those factors of production that were
: fortunate enough to be well placed in times of prosperity. In Sweden exports
: accounted for 18 percent of the national income in 1870, and in 1913,
: 22 percent of a much larger national income. In the early twentieth century,
: Denmark exported 63 percent of its agricultural production: butter, pork
: products, and eggs. It exported 80 percent of its butter, almost all to Great
: Britain, where it accounted for 40 percent of British butter imports.
: 10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
: the highlighted sentence in the passage?
: Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
: information.
: 1. The early industrializes controlled most of the international economy,
: leaving these countries to stake out new areas of specialization along the
: margins.
leaving these countries to stake out 這是因果句

: 2. Aided by their high literacy rates these countries were able to claim key
: areas of specialization within established international markets.
claim key areas of = stake out new areas of

claim 要求 主張 有...權力

stake out one's claim 則是 主張自己對...的所有權
: 3. High literacy rates enabled these countries to take over international
: markets and adapt the international division of labor to suit their strengths.

take over 是接管 表示取代了之前的工業國家 接管了國際市場
(原文是找到special的定位) suit their strengths
為了適合...修改 建築.機械.戲劇.小說
修改了國際分工 來適合他們的強項

這個 adapt 根源文的不一樣
adapt to the international division of labor

adapt 當 vi + to + 環境


ex: Young animals adapt quickly to a new environment.
ex: Freshmen adapting quickly to the new environment can
become the key figure in the class quickly.


: 4. The international division of labor established by the early
: industrializers was suited to these countries, a key factor in their success.
整個沒有提到識字率 錯誤

: 答案是:B
: 看到這題因為發現B沒提到
: "their ability to adapt to the international division of labor determined by
: the early industrializers"
: 相關資訊,C卻兩個都有題到就選C了
: 請問這種highlight很長的句子該怎麼判斷會比較容易呢?
: 感謝幫忙。

Tags: 英檢

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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-02-05T11:09
爬過板也看過精華區 但是資訊都是很久以前的了(2009年左右) 想問看看在and#34;東區趨勢Trinity(不是中壢趨勢XD)and#34;考過TOEFL的同學們 這個考場環境如何?? 隔音效果好嗎? 然後是先報到先考~ 還是統一開始考呢? 另外如果大家有什麼資訊 像是紙張回收、鉛筆、人數 ...

TPO18Industrialization in the Netherla

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2012-02-05T06:43
※ 引述《xu3jp68 (信箱爆炸..XD)》之銘言: : Paragraph 6:The key factor in the success of these countries : (along with high literacy, which contributed to it) was their ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-02-05T00:55
請想問有版友在台北的dell考場考過試嗎 報名的時候查到了這個考場(STN13914A) 連到他們補習班的網站上看 至少是高隔板,看起來也蠻漂亮的,但好像有點擠? 12月的時候在美加7樓考,也是高隔板,我還蠻喜歡 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2012-02-04T21:50
各位版友好~ 此份研究主題是關於「語言類行動學習加值服務」的學術問卷, 目的在於瞭解智慧型手機使用者採用相關語言學習行動應用軟體的經驗和看法, 採匿名作答方式,請安心作答。 前測已填過的版友仍可再填寫,此次正式問卷需要的樣本量較多,還請各位多多幫忙~ 只要您在智慧型手機上使用過任一語言學習行動應用軟體(不 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-02-04T19:40
請問各位版友們有沒 林功 的托福分類字彙MP3呢 因為我自己的在過年期間不小心把MP3打掃掉= = 加上爬過K大的文他的連結也失效 希望友版友能分享給我 謝謝 站內信聯絡 祝各位早日考好托福 - ...