TPO18 Lightning - 英檢

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-01-21T11:40

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※ 引述《winds6427 (囧囧)》之銘言:
: Most lightning takes place within a cloud when the charge
: separation within the cloud collapses. However, as the storm
: cloud develops, the ground beneath the cloud becomes positively
: charged and lightning can take place in the form of an electrical
: discharge between the negative charge of the cloud and the
: positively charged ground. 【Lightning that strikes the ground is
: the most likely to be destructive】, so even though it represents
: only 20 percent of all lightning, it has received a lot of
: scientific attention.
: 21. the author mark "Lighting that strikes the ground is the most likely
: to be destructive" in order to explain
: (1.) this form of lightning has been investigated so much
: (2.) this form of lightning is not as common as lightning within a cloud
: (3.) scientists understand of this form of lightning is important
: (4.) the buildup of positive charge on the ground beneath a storm cloud can
: have serious consequence
: 答案是 1
: 照字面上的解釋
: "這種打到地面的光是有毀滅性的"
: 是這樣翻嗎?
: 我自己是寫4
: 看不出跟答案之間的關連性
: 麻煩高手解惑!!!
: 謝謝!!!

Lightning that strikes the ground is the most likely to be destructive, so even though it represents
only 20 percent of all lightning, it has received a lot of
scientific attention.
>>>把這句看成 destructive that's why it received attention

Tags: 英檢

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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-01-21T11:14
想請問各位大人,有沒有人跟我一樣10/31或11/14考試 成績單卻沒收到的? 現在我為了交換申請已經急著要用了 他們卻還是沒寄來 學校叫我直接寄給要申請的學校(威斯康辛大學) 但是這樣我就要用加發的方式申請另外的成績單 莫名其妙再被收17美金 我本身一張成績單都沒有收到啊!! 有沒有什麼方法可以讓他們不 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-01-21T10:59
怎麼樣可以快速增進 用字 與 文法呢? 我想了一下以前學中文 小一小二 都要練習造詞造句 所以想說 那我練習用字 也來造句 但是 我好像還是常常會造出怪異的句子 所以現在想說 多看文章 背他們的用法 還有 美國之音的網站 會教一些字的用法 和時機 不過還是想請教一下 板 ...

TPO18 Lightning

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-01-21T02:53
Most lightning takes place within a cloud when the charge separation within the cloud collapses. However, as the storm cloud develops, the ground beneath t ...

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Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-01-21T01:49
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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-01-21T01:46
大家好 我是目前剛踏入托福這領域的新生 之前有做過幾項測驗 我的聽力真得慘到不行 相對得口說也是... 至於閱讀門檻大概在英檢中高 寫作就沒有很認真測試過 這邊有個最主要問題 我目前想從單字、閱讀跟寫作加強 然後抱補習班來增強自己聽力、口說 可是市面上有那麼多單字書、寫作 爬文也試過去 ...