TPO15 黃金閱讀 Glacier Formation - 英檢

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-09-03T13:17

Table of Contents

Paragraph2: Glaciers are open systems, with snow as the system's input and
meltwater as the system' s main output. The glacial system is governed by
two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature. For a glacier
to grow or maintain its mass, there must be sufficient snowfall to█[match]
or exceed the annual loss through melting, evaporation, and calving, which
occurs when the glacier loses solid chunks as icebergs to the sea or to
large lakes. If summer temperatures are high for too long, then all the
snowfall from the previous winter will melt. Surplus snowfall is essential
for a glacier to develop. A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the
pressure of snow accumulated over the years to█[transform] buried snow into
glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow. Glaciers are
sometimes classified by temperature as faster-flowing temperate glaciers
or as slower-flowing polar glaciers.

3:The word █[match] in the passage is closest in meaning to

4.The word █[transform] in the passage is closest in meaning to

5.According to paragraph 2, surplus snow affects a glacier in all the
following ways EXCEPT:
○It provides the pressure needed to cause glacial ice to flow.
○It offsets losses of ice due to melting. evaporation, and calving.
○It brings about the formation of fern in the snow it buries.
○It results in temperate glaciers that are thicker than polar glaciers.

6.Paragraph 2 implies that which of the following conditions produces the
fastest moving glaciers?
○A climate characteristic of the polar regions
○A thick layer of ice in a temperate climate F Long,
○Warm summers
○Snow, firm and ice that have been buried for several years

有關這4題....我做的答案是 D C D C

可是搜尋到的TPO15答案卻是 C D C B....



可以請各位大大位我解惑嘛??? 謝謝....

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-09-08T02:10
文章和選項都有遺缺 所以可能還是要等補齊之後再來等正解
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2010-09-09T20:53
所以是文章的問題嘛? 還是我漏po了什麼???請賜教 {(_ _)}
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-09-14T05:13
你選equal就叫 input is equal to output。
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-09-18T10:27
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-09-19T16:48
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-09-23T22:45
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-09-27T06:36
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-09-29T21:35
temperate移動較快,故厚度較厚 XD
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-10-04T17:37
6.很明顯是B 移動<=因為冰層厚
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-10-04T20:23
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-10-06T17:14
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-10-07T11:19
從 移動<=因為冰層厚 推測...移動越快=>需要更厚 所以
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-10-10T04:28
faster-flowing temperate glaciers 比 slower-flowing
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-10-14T05:25
polar glaciers 厚 以上個人淺見 請指教^^
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-10-18T00:37
最後一句 ... classfied by temperature as faster-flowing ..
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-10-20T10:12
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-10-23T10:22
但是倒數第2句... into glacial ice with a dept great enough
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-10-28T06:35
另外345題,我有看到一版答案是D C D

托福90分以上 能申請的學校??

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-09-03T13:10
希望版上諸高手大大們能提供一下好心建議: Q1.托福成績若介於90~100之間 能申請的學校排名大約落在哪裡呢??(申請MBA用) Q2.第一次考托福92 第二戰托福97 能申請的學校有差嗎??? Q3.那是否要申請第二戰複查呢??? 因為 一戰口說(FFF) 得分23 二戰口說(GFF) 還是得分23 ...

黃金閱讀 Lascaux Cave Paintings第5題

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-09-03T12:47
Paragraph 2: One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their location. Other rock paintings—for example, those of Bushmen in South Africa —are e ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-09-03T04:40
剛剛報名9/18場次 發現戴爾和地球村在這天都沒有舉辦考試 不過找到了 新竹元培大學考場 請問有人在這裡考過嗎? 可否經驗分享一下? 因為爬文只有一篇提問而沒有答案 我是否應該在繳費前先確認這個場地確定有考試? 謝謝! - ...


David avatar
By David
at 2010-09-02T23:57
如題 這是我目前的狀況 我是上班族 每天約六點下班 目標是明年1月的時候考試 分數需達到至少80分 我想請問大家邊工作邊念書的考試表現如何? 雖然我知道這種事情和實力、毅力很有關係 但還是想了解一下跟我同樣要上班的人的情形 這邊先說明一下我的程度 我的寫作最差 說有時候會結巴 但有 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-09-02T22:23
版上好像大多沒有台南遠東考場的消息 最近想報名 不過918只剩遠東 文藻跟崑山 文藻跟崑山大家都不推 不知道遠東怎樣 - ...