黃金閱讀 Lascaux Cave Paintings第5題 - 英檢

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-09-03T12:47

Table of Contents

Paragraph 2: One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their
location. Other rock paintings—for example, those of Bushmen in South Africa
—are either located near cave entrances or completely in the open. Cave
paintings in France and Spain, however, are in recesses and caverns far
removed from original cave entrances. This means that artists were forced to
work in cramped spaces and without sources of natural light. It also implies
that whoever made them did not want them to be easily found. Since cave
dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason
why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.

5. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about cave painters in France and

A They also painted rocks outside caves.

B They did not live close to the cave entrances.

C They developed their own sources of light to use while painting.

D Their painting practices did not last for many years.




Tags: 英檢

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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-09-03T04:40
剛剛報名9/18場次 發現戴爾和地球村在這天都沒有舉辦考試 不過找到了 新竹元培大學考場 請問有人在這裡考過嗎? 可否經驗分享一下? 因為爬文只有一篇提問而沒有答案 我是否應該在繳費前先確認這個場地確定有考試? 謝謝! - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-09-02T22:23
版上好像大多沒有台南遠東考場的消息 最近想報名 不過918只剩遠東 文藻跟崑山 文藻跟崑山大家都不推 不知道遠東怎樣 - ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-09-02T21:38
※ 引述《sean2449 (邱)》之銘言: : 小弟報名9月11號考 : 聽說那天考的是新題,真的假的=口=? 我也好ㄔㄨㄚˋ~~,我也是報名那天, 我們確實好久沒出新題了,希望可以破除 魔咒,不要考新題ㄚ。 而且,看起來不是考08年的就是新題,只希望 11日的北美是考新題,這樣的話,我們 是舊題的機會才 ...

ETS 系統現在出錯啦 台灣考場有New Jersey...

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-09-02T18:20
就是現在要報名時 很有趣的選項...New Jersey_Central, NJ 就在Kinmen與Taiwan(Central)中間 小心不要選錯 不然得跑到紐澤西考囉 - ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-09-02T16:19
如題~ 例如gmat就有pdf的成績單可以下載 請問托福有嗎?? 因為如果沒有是不是就要掃描紙本成績單再上傳呀???? 謝謝解答~ - ...