TPO13 Types of Social Groups - 英檢

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2011-01-04T19:54

Table of Contents


Paragraph 1:Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other
people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of
social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social
interaction—and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long
enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set
of expectations, it is called a relationship.

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of a relationship?
○ It is a structure of associations with many people.
○ It should be studied in the course of a social interaction.
○ It places great demands on people.
○ It develops gradually overtime.


Paragraph 7:Third, primary groups are fundamental because they serve as
powerful instruments for social control. Their members command and dispense
many of the rewards that are so vital to us and that make our lives seem
worthwhile. Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by
rejecting or threatening to ostracize those who deviate from the primary
group's norms. For instance, some social groups employ shunning (a person can
remainin the community, but others are forbidden to interact with the person)
as a device to bring into line individuals whose behavior goes beyond that
allowed by the particular group. Even more important, primary groups define
social reality for us by structuring our experiences. By providing us with
definitions of situations, they elicit from us behavior that conforms to
group-devised meanings. Primary groups, then, serve both as carriers of
social norms and as enforcers of them.

11. According to paragraph 7, why would a social group use shunning?
○ To enforce practice of the kinds of behavior acceptable to the group
○ To discourage offending individuals from remaining in the group
○ To commend and reward the behavior of the other members of the group
○ To decide which behavioral norms should be passed on to the next


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-01-09T16:33
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-01-10T09:49
第三選項則是never mentioned
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-01-12T02:55
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-01-15T16:33
二跟四選項就可以先刪掉了因為not mentioned,三選項則是屬
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-01-19T02:33
general speaking,shinning則比較像是例子,所以也就刪掉囉
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-01-19T16:37
第二題的選項course是課程,而題目是in the course of
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-01-23T23:12

我這樣北上補送佛 大家覺得如何呢

George avatar
By George
at 2011-01-04T19:19
各位戰友們好, 我想詢問大家的意見,依照我這樣的程度和狀況適不適合北上補送佛呢 我11月考過一次 81分 R24 L16 S17 W24 12月考過 85分 R25 L19 S19 W22 所以問題就出在我的聽力和口說很弱 看了板上很多人推薦送佛計畫 自己也很想去台北補看看 期望能考超過九十 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-01-04T16:03
我想報這次二月12的iBT 然我我採取網路報名的方式 然後到最後一步前都沒有問題,F7A 可是等我信用卡填完按確認以後 就出現這個畫面 好像是操作愈時 然後網頁上面叫我不要在填一次 於是我就打了網頁上面那支電話 可是他們現 ...

請問一下TOP聽力有中文翻譯嗎? (我是新手)

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-01-04T14:35
不好意思 , 我想請問一下 ,TOP聽力有中文翻譯嗎? 還有我找了好幾個地方,但是TOP聽力好像都不行下載atat TOP聽力現在是有TOP1到TOP19嗎? 不知道哪位好心人士可以提供給我 , 希望可以有中文翻譯的........ 感激不盡阿...... 我是新手, 所以還不是很清楚 , ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-01-04T14:02
Her willful decision to proceed unaided sealed her doom. 這一句出字 某本單字書的willful的例句 不知道板上大大可以幫忙翻譯成中文,並且解釋一下句型嗎? 小弟程度不佳,百思不得其解,還請伸出援手。 -- my blog: http://w ...

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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-01-04T11:07
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