TPO11閱讀 - 英檢

John avatar
By John
at 2009-12-17T06:41

Table of Contents

Further evidence for the costs of begging comes from a study of differences
in the begging calls of warbler species that nest on the ground versus
those that nest in the relative safety of trees. The young of ground-nesting
warblers produce begging cheeps of higher frequencies than do their
tree-nesting relatives. These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far,
and so may better conceal the individuals producing them, who are especially
vulnerable to predators in their ground nests. David Haskell created
artificial nests with clay eggs and placed them on the ground beside a tape
recorder that played the begging calls of either tree-nesting or of
ground-nesting warblers. The eggs “advertised” by the tree-nesters' begging
calls were found bitten significantly more often than the eggs associated
with the ground-nesters' calls.

4. Paragraph 2 indicates that the begging calls of tree nesting warblers
(A) put them at more risk than ground-nesting warblers experience
(B) can be heard from a greater distance than those of ground-nesting
(C) are more likely to conceal the signaler than those of ground-nesting
(D) have higher frequencies than those of ground nesting warblers

想請問A為什麼不對呢?我是看了這段的最後一句選的, 還是(A)說把他們warbler自己
放在危險的情況不對 應該是把egg放在危險的情況

Tags: 英檢

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-12-16T23:48
如題 因為有學校要求upload成績單掃描 可是我還沒有收到11/14考試的成績單 請問有人收到了嗎 大概是要多久呢 - ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-12-16T20:28
According to the passage, the author proposed several reasons on XXXXXX However, the speaker in the lecture holds a totally opposite attitude to the cont ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-12-16T17:10
【加入工讀行列,體驗最有效的學英文方法】 2010年美國暑期工讀/至美教中文12/24成大說明會 主辦單位:迴音谷外語留學中心 協辦單位:國立成功大學 舉辦地點:成功大學企管系系館1F 62121教室 時 間:12/24 (二)中午12:00~13:30 說明會內容:- 美國暑期工讀旅遊介紹 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2009-12-16T13:35
請問11/21的成績單什麼時候會收到啊? 成績出來當天 我突然發現我地址少打了一些資訊 才問我家人 原來上次考的成績單都沒收到 XDDDD 於是我出分當天就趕快把修改寄件地址 現在很擔心11/21這次的成績單還是一樣被送去了台灣的某個地方 不知道我現在該怎麼辦? 要打電話給ETS跟他們Chec ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-12-16T12:30
請問有正在上這堂課的大大 12/14(星期一)馬老師的聽力正課 請問進度是在上哪幾篇文章 麻煩請解答一下 感激不盡~~ 謝謝 - ...