TPO10 Reading 3 - 英檢

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2013-10-22T22:12

Table of Contents

Paragraph 1 : In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe
continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous
medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s). Among the key factors
behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of

1.According to paragraph 1, what was true of Europe during the medieval
答案是B:There was relatively little economic growth.
但我想問關於during the medieval period的敘述
paragraph 1的less prosperous和B的little growth應該不一樣吧
一個比較接近poor一個是not growth
Paragraph 8 : The rapid expansion in international trade also benefitted from
an infusion of capital, stemming largely from gold and silver brought by Spanish
vessels from the Americas. This capital financed the production of goods,
storage, trade, and even credit across Europe and overseas. Moreover an
increased credit supply was generated by investments and loans by bankers
and wealthy merchants to states and by joint-stock partnerships - an English
innovation (the first major company began in 1600). Unlike short-term
financial cooperation between investors for a single commercial undertaking,
joint-stock companies provided permanent funding of capital by drawing on the
investments of merchants and other investors who purchased shares in the

12.According to paragraph 8, each of the following was a source of funds used
to finance economic expansion EXCEPT
A:groups of investors engaged in short-term financial cooperation的敘述
Unlike short-term financial cooperation between investors...
Unlike又是用來指後面的joint-stock companies
joint-stock companies又是source of funds used for finance economic expansion
這不是在說A不是source of funds used for finance economic expansion嗎?

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-10-23T21:07
Q1 文章中沒有形容16-17世紀的成長 但說這段時間的成
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-10-24T07:07
長在相對於中世紀來說 比較繁榮
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-10-24T22:24
Q2 Moreover的那一段提出兩種資金來源
investment and loan屬於短期經濟合作的一種
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2013-10-24T23:39
所以Q2的Unlike後面指的是investments and loans by
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-10-26T14:04
bankers? short term是補充說明investment and loan

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