Writing essays about accomplishments - 英檢

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-10-22T13:35

Table of Contents

Essay Writing: How to Clearly Express an Accomplishment

Graduate programs value diversity of ideas and are extremely results-focused.

There is no one 'right' type of background for most gradaute programs - in

order to create an optimal learning environment the admissions committee aims

to fill the class with students from a wide range of backgrounds. The

admissions committee simply seeks students who are outstanding and the primary

way applicants can to prove that they are outstanding is to provide clear

explanations about some of their accomplishments. Stories about key

accomplishments will be first delivered in essays and eventually in the

admissions interview.

Many applicants struggle to identify and adequately explain their

accomplishments. In many cases, applicants have had an experience with a

great result, such as completing a project that helped their company save

US$250,000 per year - but they fail to help the reader deeply understand why

this accomplishment should be viewed as impressive. Other times, applicants

fail to see that their stories could be viewed as impressive accomplishments,

if explained in the right way.

*Stories with an impressive result:

Achieving an impressive final result is obviously a great reason to tell a

story but there should be much more substance to the story than the final

result. Providing an explanation of the challenges that you overcome to get

to the result will give the reader some context into specific situation.

Explaining challenges faced can also allow the applicant to showcase the

creative thinking and skills they applied to find a solution. Most

importantly, an explanation of challenges will heighten the drama in an essay

and make the story more interesting - and more memorable in the mind of the


*Stories without a really impressive result:

Even if a story does not have an amazing result (like helping your employer

save US$250,000 in one year) it does not mean the story is not worth telling.

Sometimes the result of our actions cannot be easily quantified. For

example, perhaps you have had a volunteer experience teaching English to

children and you created a unique learning method that the children really

responded to and benefitted from. It might not be possible to quantify

exactly how much their English improved, but as long as you can explain that

you felt your idea had a positive impact on the children, the volunteer

organization, or yourself then it could still be a great story. Always look

for ways to explain the impact on others, and also on yourself, such as

something you learned or a skill (like leadership!) you improved.

By clearly presenting your accomplishments and the challenges you faced during

the process you'll be sure to help the admissions committee fully comprehend

and value them. Of course, if you are having trouble clearly expressing your

key stories and accomplishments in your essays, using our Essay Editing &

Analysis service would probably pay dividends for your graduate school



David Johnston
Graduate: Georgetown University Law Center
Founder: Transcend Admissions Consultants

Tags: 英檢

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2013/10/12 公館地球村一戰108

Erin avatar
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at 2013-10-22T02:10
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