TPO10 Chinese Pottery文章意思不懂 - 英檢

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-09-06T22:06

Table of Contents


The earliest ceramics were fired to earthenware temperatures, but as early as
the fifteenth century B.C., high-temperature stonewares were being made with
glazed surfaces. During the Six Dynasties period (AD 265-589), kilns in north
China were producing high-fired ceramics of good quality. Whitewares produced
in Hebei and Henan provinces from the seventh to the tenth centuries 【evolved
】 into the highly prized porcelains of the Song dynasty (AD. 960-1279), long
regarded as one of the high points in the history of China's ceramic
industry. 【The tradition of religious sculpture extends over most historical
periods but is less clearly delineated than that of stonewares or porcelains,
for it embraces the old custom of earthenware burial ceramics with later
religious images and architectural ornament.】 Ceramic products also include
lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty, three-color lead-glazed vessels
and figures of the Tang dynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, in
which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip- as well as the many
burial ceramics produced in imitation of vessels made in materials of higher
intrinsic value.

5.Paragraph 3 supports all of the following concerning the history of the
ceramic industry in China EXCEPT:
A) The earliest high-fired ceramics were of poor quality.
B) Ceramics produced during the Tang and Ming dynasties sometimes
incorporated multiple colors.
C) Earthenware ceramics were produced in China before stonewares were.
D) The Song dynasty period was notable for the production of high quality
porcelain ceramics.
答案給A 可是我選C
During the Six Dynasties period (AD 265-589), kilns in north
China were producing high-fired ceramics of good quality.

Just as painted designs on Greek pots may seem today to be purely decorative,
【whereas】 in fact they were carefully and precisely worked out so that at
the time, their meaning was clear, so it is with Chinese pots.
這句話是想表達Chinese pots和Greek pots雖然現在看起來好像只是個純粹的裝飾品

Tags: 英檢

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Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-09-06T21:34
大推趙老師 目前為止我最喜歡的英文教學老師 - ...

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By Christine
at 2010-09-06T18:19
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By Tom
at 2010-09-06T15:45
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