Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2014-04-28T21:35

Table of Contents

大家好~請教summary題的2個選項, 我選第2個 但第1個才對。想問第2個choice不是能對應到
paragraph 5 的第2句嗎?


"In speculative philosophy and the
sciences, the Romans made virtually no advance on early achievements"

又否定了什麼嗎? 跟model literature on greeks 有何關係? just not sure

○Rome combined aspects of ancient Greek civilization with its own
contributions in new areas.

○Educated Romans modeled their own literature and philosophy on the ancient


Paragraph 5: Rome’s debt to Greece was enormous. The Romans adopted Greek
religion and moral philosophy. In literature, Greek writers were consciously
used as models by their Latin successors. It was absolutely accepted that an
educated Roman should be fluent in Greek. In speculative philosophy and the
sciences, the Romans made virtually no advance on early achievements.

Paragraph 6: Yet it would be wrong to suggest that Rome was somehow a junior
partner in Greco-Roman civilization. The Roman genius was projected into new
spheres—especially into those of law, military organization, administration,
and engineering. Moreover, the tensions that arose within the Roman state
produced literary and artistic sensibilities of the highest order. It was no
accident that many leading Roman soldiers and statesmen were writers of high

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2014-04-29T18:59
我覺得文章是說Latin successors把Greeks writers當model
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-05-03T19:30
然後推論到educated Roman會講流利的希臘文。而不是像選項
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-05-05T01:22
所講的那樣,文章是說Romans而沒有明確說educated Romans

及人中學 考場STN14266A

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-04-27T15:53
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:STN14266A 2. 考場名稱:及仁中學 3. 考場交通:略微不便 4. 隔音效果:佳 5. 硬體設備:佳 6. 人員服務:佳 7. 考場大約人數 / 座位:16/40 8. 綜合評價:優 ...

明天口說紅色小範圍Task 6直接分享

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2014-04-26T19:40
各位同學好, J2TOEFL機經預測4/27紅色小範圍Task 6 two kinds of feathers of loon bird, 模擬真題重點直接分享給大家, 大家把握最後時間練習! 重點部分黃色加亮標記,是得分關鍵! 注意千萬不要寫好稿子背誦,考官是聽得出 ...

MBA 2014 Gathering

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-04-26T16:33
活動網頁: 時間: 5/10 (六) PM 1:30 ~ 5:00 地點: 犇亞國際會議中心 - 台北市復興北路99號15樓 (南京東路捷運站出口) 今年 M7 andamp; Top 20 申請者最多人參與之活動 不同於一般申請者心得交流,我們精 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-04-26T15:25
不好意思,想請問一下各位大大 之前有聽說 加試題改掉了 不知道最近的加試題 是不是跟之前一樣 就那兩組 很大的花...之類的? 還是確定已經換了?  - ...

2014多益/托福成績 英國不承認

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-04-26T13:36
From: 多益、托福成績 英國不承認 2014/04/26 【聯合報╱東京記者雷光涵、記者林秀姿、沈育如/綜合報導】 英國BBC今年二月揭發在倫敦舉行的多益考試舞弊,英內政部宣布即日起不再與美國教 育測驗服務社(ETS)續約,也就是說,核發簽 ...