SUNY-Albany 化學系徵博士生 - 留學

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-08-12T02:35

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幫朋友PO的, 但有問題也可以聯絡我

Prof. Michael T. Yeung 在SUNY-Albany at New York在徵博士生

Prof. Michael T. Yeung跟我是多年好友兼前實驗室同事, 研究領域為無機材料

為人有趣, 不push, 樂於幫助指導學生, 亞洲面孔但不會說中文

實驗室歡迎有研究熱誠的學生申請, 尤其是有SEM 跟PXRD經驗的學生

Prof. Micahel Yeung對台灣學生很有好感, 有興趣的學生煩在12月前申請

目前實驗室研究方向為new boride lamelletes, transparent conductors,

metastable materials, heterogeneous catalysis


The research lab of Prof. Michael Yeung at the University at Albany- SUNY in

New York will have openings for materials chemists with a bachelor's degree

and experience in powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.

Research projects include new boride lamellates, transparent conductors,

metastable materials, and heterogeneous catalysts. Applicants will be

encouraged to apply before December so that they may be considered for

graduate student scholarships. Prospective graduate students are encouraged

to look at the group website, for more information, or contact

the professor at [email protected]. Established in 1844 and designated a

University Research Center of the State University of New York in 1962, the

University at Albany's broad mission of excellence in undergraduate and

graduate education, research and public service engages a diverse student

body of more than 17,900 students in nine schools and colleges across three

campuses. Located in Albany, New York, New York State's capital, the

University is convenient to Boston, New York City and the Adirondacks.

Research will be led by Prof. Michael T. Yeung who received his Ph.D in

Inorganic Chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles. He then

moved to Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Awardee in the U.S.

Department of Energy, Office of Energy, Efficiency and Renewable Energy

(EERE) Postdoctoral Research Award Program.

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2021-08-12T16:37


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-08-11T17:57
南加大國際學院 [線上講座]: 生物化學與分子醫學碩士指導研究經驗概況 想要了解如何在碩士階段為申請博班做準備?想要在碩士階段增加研究經歷?南加大生化 與分子醫學碩士課程的三位教授將分享指導學生進行研究的經歷,幫助學生增強科研應用 和生產能力,配合批判性思考鍛煉,提升研究性閱讀寫作和溝通技巧,為申請博班做好 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2021-08-11T17:08
[代po] 嗨大家好 最近陸續有人問我們怎麼申請海外MSF或MiM(財金或管理)碩士,所以想說來版上回饋也 和大家分享我們自身申請以及過去幫一些學弟妹申請的經驗。 簡單跟大家介紹一下我們的背景 學經歷 GMAT 700 IELTS 7.5 LBS 倫敦商學院 Masters in Financial ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-08-11T01:06
我打算之後到日本找工作,目標是部分的日商及外商IT產業 本人日文不太行,雖然我有信心在出國前唸到N3,但口說的部分就沒辦法了 想了一下還是決定N3之後到日本繼續念,現在卡在要選別科還是語言學校好 一開始想說覺得語言學校應該就夠了 後來發現別科似乎比較有機會練習口說,甚至有跟日本人交流的機會 理解日本文化是 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2021-08-10T01:00
如題,敝人目前碩一升二有想出國讀博士的打算。目前正在撰寫碩論,進度大概50%,目 前都是用中文。 當初想法是希望學弟妹比較好傳承,加上之前寫的科技部計畫也都用中文可以直接改一改 貼上。 後來想想不對,如果有要出國的打算是不是也要另外寫一份英文版的碩論做口試之用呢? 想請問板上前輩們的意見。十分感謝各位撥冗 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-08-09T23:59
因為去年是代辦幫忙辦一年的學生tier4簽證 , IHS費用沒問題是USD 645 。 今年自己辦 也是一整年10/1/2021 ~ 9/30/2022 但最後的總和需付款 USD 1018 是有環節沒注意到填寫,還是簽證計算有誤呢? htt ...