By Poppy
at 2011-01-04T21:24
at 2011-01-04T21:24
Table of Contents
Paragraph 4: These ideas remain controversial. Proponents point to features
such as the terraced “beaches” shown in one image, which could conceivably
have been left behind as a lake or ocean evaporated and the shoreline
receded. But detractors maintain that the terraces could also have been
created by geological activity, perhaps related to the geologic forces that
depressed the Northern Hemisphere far below the level of the south, in which
case they have nothing whatever to do with Martian water. Furthermore, Mars
Global Surveyor data released in 2003 seem to indicate that the Martian
surface contains too few carbonate rock layers—layers containing compounds
of carbon and oxygen─that should have been formed in abundance in an ancient
ocean. Their absence supports the picture of a cold, dry Mars that never
experienced the extended mild period required to form lakes and oceans.
However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in
fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on
the surface.
9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning
in important ways or leave out essential information.
○But detractors argue that geological activity may be responsible for the
water associated with the terraces.
○But detractors argue that the terraces may have been formed by geological
activity rather than by the presence of water.
○But detractors argue that the terraces may be related to geological forces
in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars, rather than to Martian water in the south.
○But detractors argue that geological forces depressed the Northern
Hemisphere so far below the level of the south that the terraces could not
have been formed by water.
中 啊...不要在這邊 ((◢███◣ ◢ 啊啊啊... ◣ ξ 沒有關係
出 四 ◥ │ ◥> <█ 不要射在裡面 █◣ 今天安全期
不 ◢███◣☆ │ " □ "█ )) │ ◥██◤◥◣ *~ ◢███◣ ◤
一 ◥─ ─█ │ ((◥▅ ▅◤ │ ▅▅ ◢◤ ◥︵ ︵█
沒 " □ "█ │◢◢◣▄▄▄◢◣ │ ◢█)█(█◤ ◣ " ︶ "█
such as the terraced “beaches” shown in one image, which could conceivably
have been left behind as a lake or ocean evaporated and the shoreline
receded. But detractors maintain that the terraces could also have been
created by geological activity, perhaps related to the geologic forces that
depressed the Northern Hemisphere far below the level of the south, in which
case they have nothing whatever to do with Martian water. Furthermore, Mars
Global Surveyor data released in 2003 seem to indicate that the Martian
surface contains too few carbonate rock layers—layers containing compounds
of carbon and oxygen─that should have been formed in abundance in an ancient
ocean. Their absence supports the picture of a cold, dry Mars that never
experienced the extended mild period required to form lakes and oceans.
However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in
fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on
the surface.
9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning
in important ways or leave out essential information.
○But detractors argue that geological activity may be responsible for the
water associated with the terraces.
○But detractors argue that the terraces may have been formed by geological
activity rather than by the presence of water.
○But detractors argue that the terraces may be related to geological forces
in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars, rather than to Martian water in the south.
○But detractors argue that geological forces depressed the Northern
Hemisphere so far below the level of the south that the terraces could not
have been formed by water.
中 啊...不要在這邊 ((◢███◣ ◢ 啊啊啊... ◣ ξ 沒有關係
出 四 ◥ │ ◥> <█ 不要射在裡面 █◣ 今天安全期
不 ◢███◣☆ │ " □ "█ )) │ ◥██◤◥◣ *~ ◢███◣ ◤
一 ◥─ ─█ │ ((◥▅ ▅◤ │ ▅▅ ◢◤ ◥︵ ︵█
沒 " □ "█ │◢◢◣▄▄▄◢◣ │ ◢█)█(█◤ ◣ " ︶ "█
All Comments

By Andrew
at 2011-01-05T17:31
at 2011-01-05T17:31

By Carol
at 2011-01-10T06:47
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請問一下TOP聽力有中文翻譯嗎? (我是新手)

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