MSN英文討論會 - 自學

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2006-09-19T13:47

Table of Contents

May I join you guys? Though I found this article has been posted
for months, I want to try a little.
I took TOEFL CBT in 2005 and got 247. I think there's still a
long way for me to go in English learning.
Add me, if I am qualified.

MSN account : [email protected]

Tags: 自學

All Comments


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-09-19T10:58
哇!很高興第一次來這邊就有人在發起日文的討論 我想要參加呢 請告知要怎麼參加好嗎 謝謝您的幫忙 ※ 引述《Okadaneko (★sailing days★)》之銘言: : 看到大家很熱衷的討論英文, : 想說也順便來開一個MSN日文討論會。 : 先自我介紹好了,我目前就讀碩二, : 已經通過一級日本語能 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-09-19T10:27
※ 引述《oohni (鬼。)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ssuny (Cheer up!!!)》之銘言: : : Hello! Itand#39;s very nice to see such an interesting topic. : : I hope I can join you either. : ...


James avatar
By James
at 2006-09-19T02:52
※ 引述《ssuny (Cheer up!!!)》之銘言: : Hello! Itand#39;s very nice to see such an interesting topic. : I hope I can join you either. : I prefer to pratice english ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-09-19T02:26
請教各位一下~ 英文對我來說已經很久沒去進修過了 大概五專一年級後就已經停止好久 大概也只停在國中程度了,或許退步更多 現在想好好學起來 請問有哪位學長姊,有類似情況 您是如何開始?可以提供個好方法嗎?謝謝唷 另外,請教的是看到很多文章都是買TORIC的書來看 難道像我這種情況也是可以這樣子買了書來看,好好 ...