MSN英文討論會 - 自學

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-09-19T10:27

Table of Contents

※ 引述《oohni (鬼。)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ssuny (Cheer up!!!)》之銘言:
: : Hello! It's very nice to see such an interesting topic.
: : I hope I can join you either.
: : I prefer to pratice english (no matter by writing or speaking) one on one.
: : Because I'm the graduate student now, I won't have too much time on this
: : while I stay in the Lab.
: : If you're interested in me, just add my messenger account, but please notify
: : me who you are when you send me a message.
: : My MSN: [email protected]
: 想從新開始學習英文,但不知該如何開始哩
: 如果有人跟我一樣,或有人願意指教一下,我會感激不盡滴
: 目前身份二技就讀ing..
: 大家一起吧^^
: [email protected]
之前中高級寫作考兩次都沒過(60.70) 想多練習英文寫作
目前在高雄重考 75年次 希望考完指考能順便把中高級給過了
想一起練習的加我吧 ^^
msn:[email protected]

Tags: 自學

All Comments


James avatar
By James
at 2006-09-19T02:52
※ 引述《ssuny (Cheer up!!!)》之銘言: : Hello! Itand#39;s very nice to see such an interesting topic. : I hope I can join you either. : I prefer to pratice english ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-09-19T02:26
請教各位一下~ 英文對我來說已經很久沒去進修過了 大概五專一年級後就已經停止好久 大概也只停在國中程度了,或許退步更多 現在想好好學起來 請問有哪位學長姊,有類似情況 您是如何開始?可以提供個好方法嗎?謝謝唷 另外,請教的是看到很多文章都是買TORIC的書來看 難道像我這種情況也是可以這樣子買了書來看,好好 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2006-09-19T01:50
Hello! Itand#39;s very nice to see such an interesting topic. I hope I can join you either. I prefer to pratice english (no matter by writing or speaking ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-09-19T01:47
嗨,大大您好! 我算是剛在學日文的同好。 也希望有幸能加入你們的研討會! 這是我的 請一定要加入我,並邀我進入聊天, 真的很謝謝,and,這個活動真的很好呦! ps:討論的時間是訂在?! - ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-09-18T23:54
您好,請問你的地球村上課證售出了嗎? 若還沒,我很有誠意購買 請你回信給我 以下是我在知識上po的問題,也可以直接在這回覆,謝謝 ※ 引述《mal ...