MBA Interview Skills Course - 英檢

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-01-17T21:09

Table of Contents

※ [本文轉錄自 MBA 看板 #1GzzoHjY ]

作者: DaviJohnston (Transcend Admissions) 看板: MBA
標題: [情報] MBA Interview Skills Course
時間: Thu Jan 17 19:12:15 2013

MBA Round 2 interview invitations are already being sent out - it's time to

get prepared! We are holding another interview preparation course in Taipei

- see course details and registration information below.

Interview Mastery Course:

Interview Mastery is a six hour course designed to give you real-world,

practical knowledge which you will use to improve your chances for admission

into your dream program.

Books are helpful for preparing for the GMAT, but to nail your MBA interview,

you need to deeply understand the interview process, get inside the

interviewer's mind and learn what they want to hear - and you need real world

practice in front of real people.


2/2 (Saturday): 14:00-17:00
2/3 (Sunday): 14:00-17:00

Class Size, Location & Pricing:

Size: limited to 25 students

Location: A2 GMAT (台北市大安區信義路四段6號13F-7).

Pricing: NTD3,500 per student

RSVP to David at: [email protected]


David Johnston (Graduate of Georgetown University Law Center; Founder of

Transcend Admissions Consultants)

Course Overview

Class One (14:00 - 15:30) Understanding the MBA interview
- An explanation of the MBA interview process
- Review the most important interview questions and discuss the purpose
of the questions
- Learn how to best structure your interview answers
- In-depth discussion of how to approach the most important questions
("why MBA?", "why career goals?", "why our school?", and questions
about teamwork and leadership)
- Analyze a sample written answer to a "Why MBA?" question

Class One (15:30 - 17:00) Applying communication skills to the interview
- Discussing the structure of an interview
- Introduction and examples of how to use effective body language
- How to make a positive impression on the interviewer and get the
interviewer to like you
- Learn how to "break the ice" and convey a sense of humor in a
professional setting
- In the "hot seat:" Students give presentations and receive in-depth
personalized feedback from the instructor and other students

Class Two (14:00 - 15:30) Getting Inside the Mind of an Interviewer
- Learn Adcom and alumni interviewers' motivations and how they approach
- How to research and prepare for your interviewer so that you can form
a strong connection with them
- The "Tradition Trick" & other classic connection strategies
- How to avoid embarrassment: what to do when you're completely stuck
- Examples of the best questions you can possibly ask your interviewer
to connect with them
- How to adapt a story to multiple questions and situations
- Strategies to practice for your interview

Class Two (15:30 - 17:00) Applying Your New Interview Skills
- In the "hot seat:" Students give presentations and receive in-depth
personalized feedback from the instructor other students
- Ask David interview questions to see how he responds under pressure,
and adapts the same story to different scenarios

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-01-22T00:20
Awesome classes!!! David is a great instructor in
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-01-22T16:24
training the applicants for their interviews!
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-01-23T17:06


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-01-17T12:07
考場:北車站前地球村 分數: 一戰 R:25/L:25/W:27/S:24 total:101 背景:112,指考分數:80出頭 考試日期:2012.12.2 準備時間:三個多月 準備教材:美加上課講義,TPO,黃金閱讀,JJ 這次準備托福是為了要交換學生用的 因為在板上得到很多資訊,想說 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-01-17T11:48
原文出處:《iBT托福字彙勝出》;〈貝塔語言出版〉。總編審: 王復國。 作者:妻鳥千鶴子、Mark D. Stafford、松井梢、水本篤。 【 take into account 】 考慮到;體諒 account 當動詞意為「( + for) 說明;成為的理由」,當名詞除了「帳戶;客戶」等意 ...

字神 1/26 JJ分享 + 托福、AT、RE免費課程

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-01-17T01:36
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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-01-17T00:27
Dear All 大家期末考跟年終工作辛苦了 送給大家的第一個蛇年紅包 新書:【托福滿分單字天書】 TOEFL Perfect Vocabulary Skybook 讓大家慢慢免費下載喔:) 先來點A的:P 研究完 單字能力就大幅爆增啦! 整理好的完整版電子檔連結 加入臉書後就看得到不同真題等資料 ...

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-01-16T17:22
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