TPO 22 The Birth of Photography - 英檢

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-01-16T17:22

Table of Contents

抱歉 借用一下這篇


我左思右想左看右看 都看不出2的問題在哪耶

還是說這是細節 所以不能選?!


※ 引述《Eleen8651 (Eleen)》之銘言:

The invention of photography had a significant impact on the art of painting
in the nineteenth century.

Answer Choices
1 For a brief time, artists preferred not to paint natural or realistic
images that would have to compete with photographs.
2 Before photography, Canaletto had used the camera obscura to project scenes
onto a paper or glass plate.
3 The photographic processes of Louis Daguerre and William Henry Talbot both
made permanent images, but only Talbot's process allowed making multiple
4 The work of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey established
photography both as a science and as an art.
5 Photography made accurate images widely and inexpensively available, but
this popular success also had the effect of lowering its perceived value in
relation to the fine arts.
6 Photography eliminated the painted portrait miniature, led artists to
accurately represent movement, and affected pictorial composition, but did
not replace traditional visual arts.


Tags: 英檢

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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-01-19T01:14

字神 1/26 JJ分享 + 托福、AT、RE免費課程

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-01-16T16:15
同學們好: 01/26康老師新托福iBT機經預測出爐啦! 康老師將JJ機經分成四等級。 同學請依順序閱讀: 榜首(一定要看)五套題 榜眼(優先要看)二套題 探花(有空要看)五套題 進士(有空再看:出題機率5%)九套題 最新JJ下載 : FB上除了機經外 還有很多其 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2013-01-16T12:04
如題,我一直以為我要加發的系所是沒有列在上面的 所以當初選擇時就選了and#34;the department not listed aboveand#34; 然而後來發現是自己弄錯了... 因此現在想更改加發地點 所以想問一下這種情況是要寫email到哪個信箱? 美國的還是台灣代表的?? 或是打 ...

12/22 紙本成績單

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-01-16T11:18
請問大大 12/22紙本成績單有人收到了嗎? 如果還沒,那請問什麼時候會收到呢? 有沒有什麼辦法,可以讓我在今天之內,拿到紙本成績單呢? ex.台北托福辦事處嗎? (焦急) - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-01-16T09:37
現在報名托福時, 在選擇國家跟區域的那一頁 多增加一項要我填Passport Information country跟id 請問id的部分是指passport no.嗎?? 謝謝 - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-01-15T21:02
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:STN12623A 2. 考場名稱:東區驅勢 3. 考場交通:捷運忠孝復興站4號出口直走一分鐘 4. 隔音效果:尚可 5. 硬體設備:尚可 6. 人員服務:尚可 7. 考場大約人數 / 座位: 7 / 9 ...