2015口說一二題+獨立寫作大全 - 英檢

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2015-08-25T03:34

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以下分析整理大致分成(1)Task 1 及(2)Task 2&獨立寫作; Task 2跟獨立寫作

(1) 2015年至今(8/22) 共有23場考試(包含3/7兩套題)裡,
Task 1 「三選一」題型考了9題, 佔了1/3以上,所以依舊是同學練習重點

Task 1第二種常見題型則是提供個人意見/建議, 例:
3/7 Your friend is going to have an interview. What suggestion
would you give him or her?
4/12 How can parents help children succeed in school?
5/30 Your friend is studying in a business school but wants to
change to a university to study music. What is your opinion and
7/4 What ways will you do to reduce the air pollution?
7/12 Some of cars on the train now prohibit using any electronic
devices. Do you think it is necessary?

2/14 Talk about the person you admire the most,
5/16 Describe an activity you enjoyed when you were a child.


(2) 另外Task 2& 整合寫作中,合起來48題裡,
值得注意的是問young people/ children/ teenagers的題目也出現了10次,

* * *

以下即是2015年初截至8/22 所有口說Task 1, 2& 獨立寫作考題:

1. Describe the music you like the least.
2. Agree or disagree: The classes in school will be replaced by
the Internet and there will be no classrooms in the future.

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: All universities should require
students to study basic science even though it is not their major.

1. Which would you prefer to do during weekend?
1) Play sports 2) visit friends 3)stay at home
2. Would you like to live in an old house or a new one?

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: The most important characteristic of
successful politicians or leaders is communication skill.

1. Which of the following community services would you choose:
Help children their homework, teach adults computer, or clean city

2. Some people prefer a job that deals with the same tasks every
day. Others prefer a job that deals with many different tasks.
Which do you prefer and why?

獨立寫作:When classmates or colleagues communicate about a
project in person instead of by email, they will produce better
work for the project.

1. What do you like to do during the weekend? Gym/ watch TV/ stay
with family
2. Agree or disagree: It is important for children to learn how
to paint.

獨立寫作:The rules that societies expect young to follow and obey
are too strict.

1. Which of the following is the most effective way to you? Study
alone from books, learn with others, or do research and
2. Some people think fashion is important while others do not.
What is your opinion?

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Movies and television have more
negative effects than positive ones on young people's behavior.

1. Talk about the person you admire the most.
2. Agree or disagree: Watching TV is a good of use of time.

獨立寫作:If you wanted to change something to make yourself
healthier, what would you do?

1. Your friend is going to have an interview. What suggestion
would you give him or her?
2. Agree or disagree: People age 18 are mature enough to vote in
an election.

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: In 20 years, people will spend less
time on cooking.

1. If you had a chance to learn a new skill, which of the
following would you choose to learn? Sports, fly an airplane, or a
musical instrument.
2. Agree or disagree: cell phones are very important in our daily

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Taking children to field trips ( for
example, to a museum )is a better way of education than learning
at school in a classroom?

1. Which of the following working condition would you choose: good
boss, flexible time, or friendly colleagues?
2. Would you choose an interesting teacher that is strict on
scores or a boring teacher that is hard on scores?

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Keeping pets costs a lot of money and
it should be spent on other things.

1. If you had money to donate to your community, which of the
following would you donate to?
1.environment group 2. build a library 3.animal shelter
2. Should college students do part-time jobs?

獨立寫作:Do you like to finish projects one by one or to work all
projects at the same time?

1. How can parents help children succeed in school?
2. Is it important for college students to attend social
activities such as joining clubs?

獨立寫作:Providing the Internet access is as important as other
services like building roads, so it should be available to all
citizens at no cost.

1. Which of the following books do you like the least? Mystery,
science fiction, or biography
2. Which of the following is the best way to communicate? Face to
face or using e-mail/text message?

獨立寫作:Which of the following do you prefer: challenging dream
or practical dream?

1. Advantages and disadvantages of having TV in the dorm.
2. Agree or disagree: Getting information from newspaper is
better than from TV news.

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: College students should take history
classes no matter what their majors are.

5/16 台灣加場重複 2014. 5. 11
1. Describe an activity you enjoyed when you were a child.
2. Which do you prefer? Visit a new place you have never been or
return to a place you have been before?

Agree or disagree: It will have bad effects on people if they
spend a lot of time watching sports on TV or following their
favorite team.

5/24 台灣加場重複2014. 3. 15
1. One type of community work you want to take part in.
2. Work at home or in a work place.

獨立寫作:Which way do you think is the best for a student to make
new friends? joining a sports team, participate in community
activities, or traveling.

1. Your friend is studying in a business school but wants to
change to a university to study music. What is your opinion and
2. When you face a challenge, will you solve it by yourself or
seek someone for help?

獨立寫作:You have been knowing a friend for a long time. Will you
continue the friendship even he or she does something you don't

1. Describe the effects on you when you don’t have enough sleep.
2. Some people like to go to classes during the day and work at
night. Others like to do the opposite. Which do you prefer and why

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: It is better to spend money on
travelling and vacation than save money for future.

1. Agree or disagree: Students can bring computers to class?
2. Some students like to take classes during vacation. Others like
to work part-time job during vacation. Which do you prefer and why

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Playing sports teaches people
important lessons about life.

1. Which of the following event would you prefer to attend?
Theater performance by school actors, concert by professional
musicians, lectures by well-known professors
2. Do you prefer review regularly or review right before exams?

獨立寫作:It is better to have friends who are intelligent or to
have friends who have a sense of humor.

1. What ways will you do to reduce the air pollution?

2. Some people enjoy traveling to a new place while some people
think it is stressful, which one do you prefer?

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Children can benefit important ways
from keeping animal pets?

1. Which of the following characteristics do you think your
friend like in you? kindness, cheerfulness, intelligence?
2. Do you like to use electronic devices such as computers to

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Teachers should be paid as much as
the doctors, lawyers or business leaders do.

1. Some of cars on the train now prohibit using any electronic
devices. Do you think it is necessary?
2. When you had a question, would you ask classmates or the

獨立寫作:Agree or disagree: Students now like to do many class-
related activities. They should do more extracurricular

1. If you had an opportunity to do one of the following job,
which would you choose?
tutoring for students, helping in the library, or giving tours to
2. Agree or disagree: Parents should stop children do sports
since they may get injured?

獨立寫作:A school has been given some money to do some
improvements in schools. Do you think it is better for school to
have some social activities for students in after school hour or
on improving food in student cafeteria?

1. If you had a chance to help elders in your community, what
would you do?(無選項)
2. Watch movies with family and friends talking in the process
Or watch movies when everyone remain quiet
Which one do you prefer?

獨立寫作:The most effective way for government to encourage
conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-08-29T12:39


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2015-08-24T18:16
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送佛正規跟衝刺班 我該選哪個?

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2015-08-24T14:10
上次考試成績是70多 目前有打算要補送佛 可是不曉得有去正規班還是衝刺班 打電話去問,除了堂數差異(其實沒有差很多堂) 不曉得有沒有上過的人知道差異? 跟哪個較適合我? 一方面怕正規班花太多時間從頭教,又怕自己一些基礎東西沒打好 不曉得在衝刺班是否也會教完整(主要是不想聽一些考試介紹) 感 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-08-24T10:03
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By Genevieve
at 2015-08-24T08:22
大家好,我是SK2的Rosa,最近剛好有同學問我考前心態應該如何調適,今 天讓我們來討論考托福最重要的—心態。 很多同學常會覺得很疑惑,為什麼考了這麼多次,就是沒辦法破百呢?老是 在90幾分徘徊? 甚至有同學的分數,會很不穩定,明明上次考了96分,這次卻變成89分,實 ...

Merica Group 10/25 免費給

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2015-08-23T17:19
第一次發這種文 不確定分類對不對 因個人因素考量 放棄10/25在 Merica Group 6F, No. 8 Nan-Yang St.的考場 希望能讓今年想要順利申請的人有需要可以報名的到 若無將直接cancel 希望要的人可以在考完後分享考試並順利在今年申請學校成功 - ...