2013年『最適合出生』的國家 - 英檢

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-01-22T16:40

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The EIU(經濟學人雜誌研究機構) 是經濟學人雜誌的關係企業,將11項與生活相關的因素,例如富裕程度、犯罪率、家庭生活、政府給人民的信任度、以及經濟穩定情況等等因素,對各國人民進行問卷調查。並對2013年每個新生兒未來的均收入進行預測,其估計是以當前經濟情況,至2030年時的均所得進行的推估。研究結果,2013年最理想的出生國家排名為:

2013年『最適合出生』的國家前十名: The top ten best places to be born in 2013:
1. Switzerland (瑞士)
2. Australia (澳洲)
3. Norway (挪威)
4. Sweden (瑞典)
5. Denmark (丹麥)
6. Singapore (新加坡)
7. New Zealand (紐西蘭)
8. Netherlands (荷蘭)
9. Canada (加拿大)
10. Hong Kong (香港)

瑞士的經濟體雖然小,但是十分的穩定,其國民生活富裕、健康,政府非常受人民的信賴,因此得到第一名。另外,經濟學人研究機構The EIU解釋,美國因為當前龐大的債務,每位此期間的新生兒將會繼承龐大的債務,使得排名退到了第16名。另外,肇因於歐債危機的影響,一些傳統強權國家的情況也沒有特別好。歐洲最大的經濟體-法國得到第26名,德國和美國平手得到第16名,英國則得到第27名。




Best Places to Be Born in 2013

Though America may be the "land of opportunity," Switzerland will be the best place to be born in 2013 according to a quality-of-life index from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The EIU, a sister company to The Economist magazine, determines quality of life based on surveys of the population covering 11 factors including wealth, crime, family life, trust in government and the stability of the economy.

Income estimates for babies born in 2013 are based on projections for the year 2030, when those children will come of age.

The top ten best places to be born in 2013:
1. Switzerland
2. Australia
3. Norway
4. Sweden
5. Denmark
6. Singapore
7. New Zealand
8. Netherlands
9. Canada
10. Hong Kong

With its small but very stable economy, Switzerland comes in first, wealthy, healthy and trusting of its public institutions. The United States, "where babies will inherit the large debts of the boomer generation, languishes back in 16th place," the EIU explains. Feeling the effects of the European monetary crisis, "the largest European economies, France (26), Germany (tied with the U.S. for 16) and Britain (27), don't do particularly well."

The quality-of-life index also reflects changes in the Middle East and North Africa, where "life expectancy continues to increase steadily and political freedoms have spread across the globe," though Nigeria comes in as the worst place for a baby to be born in 2013.

Other interesting ratings include China, coming in at 49, and Russia, coming in at 72.

Back in 1988, the United States was in first place, with France in second, and West Germany in third. Zimbabwe was last, with Iraq second to last and Iran third to last.

For a more detailed explanation of how these numbers are calculated, see "the lottery of life methodology."

All said, the takeaway from the index seems to be that in today's world, a country's stability and trust in public institutions results in the best quality of life for its citizens.


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