黃金閱讀第45篇Ancient Egyptian Sculpture - 英檢

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-03-05T18:21

Table of Contents

我想請問一下這篇的第六題 摘錄原文如下~

(這樣排版會不會很難閱讀阿 >"< ?)

Paragraph 2: The majority of three-dimensional representations, whether

standing, seated, or kneeling, exhibit what is called frontality: they face

straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning. When such statues are viewed in

isolation, out of their original context and without knowledge of their

function, it is easy to criticize them for their rigid attitudes that

remained unchanged for three thousand years. Frontality is, however, directly

related to the functions of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the

statues were set up. Statues were created not for their decorative effect but

to play a primary role in the cults of the gods, the king, and the dead. They

were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest

themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions. Thus it made

sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it,

so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or

deceased recipient. Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular

shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural

for the statue to display frontality. Other statues were designed to be

placed within an architectural setting, for instance, in front of the

monumental entrance gateways to temples known as pylons, or in pillared

courts, where they would be placed against or between pillars: their

frontality worked perfectly within the architectural context.

6. The author mentions an architectural setting in the passage in order to
○ suggest that architecture was as important as sculpture to Egyptian artists
○ offer 3 further explanation for the frontal pose of Egyptian statues
○ explain how the display of statues replaced other forms of architectural
○ illustrate the religious function of Egyptian statues


我找不到是哪三個further explanation for the frontal pose of Egyptian statues


麻煩各位解答了 ( ̄□ ̄|||)a


沒圖沒真像? 噗 有圖有假像! ↓

>> http://www.wretch.cc/user/ruri1122 <<

\( ̄▽ ̄)/ (\  ̄▽) ( \  ̄) \(   )/ ( ̄ / ) (▽ ̄ /)\( ̄▽ ̄)/

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-03-09T17:57
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-03-12T23:39
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-03-13T22:57
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-03-17T14:30
哇!! 謝謝你列出這三個理由:) 哈哈對阿GRE單字好用+1

好用工具-google 桌面

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-03-05T15:12
受惠版上很多,分享一個資源。 Google桌面 是一個很好用的工具 只要你是常用電腦或網路的人 你可以利用google桌面,下載CNN radio or CNN TV, 這樣你只要一打開電腦 桌面上就有一個很棒的即時聽力資源 同時 還有BBC, 幾乎每台radio都有~ 相當推薦 無論要準備去那個 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-03-05T13:19
送佛計劃免費講座開放名額5名 有意者請站內寄信 詳細將不在本處公佈 謝謝 - ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-03-05T00:59
抱歉,我試過XP依然不行,且之前就可以成功... - ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-03-05T00:21
已爬文~ 但還是搞不太清楚andgt;and#34;andlt; 我已經報名六月的托福考試,但我是要申請2011秋季班的. 所以還沒有向學校提出任何的申請,那成績是不是可以提早發到那個學校去呢? 還是,應該要等申請學校後再用加發的方式到學校去呢? -- Once in a lifetime ...

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-03-04T22:34
如題 不知道有沒有op囧 http://freerice.com/index.php 這是之前在英語雜誌上看到的資訊 原本只是一個工程師爸爸要幫助他的小孩學單字 就做了這個網站 後來越做越大 融合慈善 變成現在這樣 答對一題單字 機構就會送十粒米出去 多答幾題 就可以讓很多饑餓的小孩有飯吃喔:) 做錯的 ...