Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-05-09T16:38

Table of Contents

Paragraph 2: Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried
thousands of miles from more ancient lands and deposited at random across the
bare mountain flanks. A few of these spores found a toehold on the dark,
forbidding rocks and grew and began to work their transformation upon the
land. Lichens were probably the first successful flora. These are not single
individual plants; each one is a symbiotic combination of an algae and a
fungus. The algae capture the Sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in
organic molecules. The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the
rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae. It is
significant that the earliest living things that built communities on these
islands are examples of symbiosis, a phenomenon that depends upon the close
cooperation of two or more forms of life and a principle that is very
important in island communities.

2. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that the fungi in lichens benefit from
their symbiotic relationship with algae in what way?
○The algae help the fungi meet some of their energy needs.
○The algae protect the fungi from the Sun's radiation.
○The algae provide the fungi with greater space for absorbing water.
○The fungi produce less waste in the presence of algae.


The algae capture the Sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in
organic molecules. The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the
rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae.



3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning
in important ways or leave out essential information.
○Some of the earliest important examples of symbiosis-the close cooperation
of two or more living things-occur in island communities.
○Symbiosis-the close cooperation of pairs or small groups of living
organisms-is especially important in these island environments.
○The first organisms on these islands worked together closely in a
relationship known as symbiosis, which is particularly important on islands.
○It is significant to note that organisms in the beginning stages of the
development of island life cannot survive without close cooperation.

(原句:It is significant that the earliest living things that built
communities on these islands are examples of symbiosis, a phenomenon that
depends upon the close cooperation of two or more forms of life and a
principle that is very important in island communities.)





Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-05-10T01:55
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-05-12T05:28
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-05-12T15:48
有說到"first"和"particularly important。而B則只是在解釋
William avatar
By William
at 2010-05-12T19:45
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-05-14T05:43
第一題我是因為energ選A 第二題我覺得first很重要!!


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-05-08T23:43
4/24 台大 語言測驗中心 閱讀 聽力 口說 寫作 28 29 22 25 這是我的第二戰 哎哎 其實要到我可以申請學校還是年底的事情 只是上次的托福已經過期了 (2007.11.7考的) 準備時間:大概兩個禮拜吧 寒假跟剛開學都在跟GRE單字 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-05-08T23:40
考場:台中戴爾 考試次數:第一次 成績:R:29 L:29 S:23 W:28 T:109 背景:大學英語系 當了一年英文實習老師 語言學研究所畢業 考試過程 前一天晚上要很早睡 早餐要吃很飽 但別靠喝茶或咖啡提神 這些會利尿 推薦喝雞精 (至於白馬馬力夯有沒有效? 沒喝過 不知道 請有喝過的人來回報吧~) ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-05-08T22:03
如題 因為想要複查口說成績 想請問複查是找評審重新評分 還是單純把分數重新加一加看看有沒有算錯呢? (爬了一下文 兩種說法都有) 一次要60鎂 如果是後者的話 ET$未免也太狠了吧... 感謝 - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-05-08T19:21
※ 引述《timmerix (GAIA)》之銘言: : 考試地點在公館地球村 原本希望自己在托福版發表的第一篇文章是分享文..結果是考場文... 地點+狀況: 考試地點在漢口地球村 在這邊考第二次 上兩次4/10 在嘉義地球村 考98 (R24 L26 S24 GFF W24 FG) 4/2 ...

TILC 忠孝東路

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-05-08T18:52
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:STN12875A 2. 考場名稱:TILC(忠孝) 3. 考場交通:忠孝敦化四號出口 4. 隔音效果:尚可 5. 硬體設備:可 6. 人員服務:親切 7. 考場大約人數 / 座位:4/20 8. 綜合 ...