黃金閱讀41篇(OG)Green Icebergs - 英檢

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-09-06T11:36

Table of Contents

A green iceberg that stranded just west of the Amery Ice Shelf
showed two distinct layers: bubbly blue-white ice and bubble-free green ice
separated by a one-meter-long ice layer containing sediments. The green ice
portion was textured by seawater erosion. Where cracks were present, the
color was light green because of light scattering; where no cracks were
present,the color was dark green. No air bubbles were present in the green ice,
suggesting that the ice was not formed from the compression of snow
but instead from the freezing of seawater. Large concentrations of
single-celled organisms with green pigments(coloring substances) occur
along the edges of the ice shelves in this region,and the seawater is rich in
their decomposing organic material.The green iceberg did not contain large
amounts of particles from these organisms, but the ice had accumulated
dissolved organic matter from the seawater.
It appears that unlike salt,dissolved organic substances are not excluded
from the ice in the freezing process. Analysis shows that the dissolved
organic material absorbs enough blue wavelengths from solar light to make the
ice appear green.

7. Why does the author mention that “The green ice portion was
textured by seawater
○ To explain why cracks in the iceberg appeared light green instead of dark
○ To suggest that green ice is more easily eroded by seawater than white ice
○ To support the idea that the green ice had been the bottom layer before
○ To explain how the air bubbles had been removed from the green ice

請教戰友們 此題中C選要如何找到對應的選擇

想破頭還是不知道 海水侵蝕造成的綠色部分 跟3選 的關聯處

...我只能用刪去法把1,2,4都槓掉 冏

謝謝大家的回答 感謝!

Tags: 英檢

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Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-09-06T11:32
如題 最近要加發成績 進網站登入 就出現Your password has expired. Please choose a new password. 我也依照指示更並確認過他更新的原則重新設定新密碼 但是改了好幾次也試了好幾組密碼都沒反應 不曉得有人有遇到同樣的問題嗎? 是怎麼解決的呢? 網站上有說他們 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-09-05T14:17
不好意思 我TPO聽力作到後面幾回的部分答案好像有缺 也已經爬文不過連結不是失效就是連不上去 如果有好心的大大可以寄給我或者告訴我哪裡可以抓嗎 感激不盡.... - ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-09-04T20:47
請問有人在台中上過A-PLUS這家補習班嗎? 在這裡補托福推薦嗎? 急需熱心的版友回答^ ^,想趕快報名托福的課程了,麻煩各位了。 - ...

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-09-04T20:29
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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-09-04T16:53
就是那種 According to paragraph x , 然後問說下列哪個敘述是真的 或是除了何者之外是真的 想問一下大家這種題型該如何去判斷呢? 有時候先看題目的選項 就容易被錯誤的選項牽著走 先直接看該段 又常常抓不到四個選項敘述的點在哪 想把段落裡面的敘述看更仔細 但是作答的時間就一分 ...