黃金閱讀 Water In The Desert - 英檢

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-10-01T18:48

Table of Contents

Paragraph 6:.... 前省略
The term "fossil" describes water that has been present for several thousand
years. These aquifers became saturated more than 10,000 years ago and are no
longer being recharged.

9. According to paragraph 6. the aquifers called fossil" waters
○ contain fossils that are thousands of years old
○ took more than 10.000 years to become saturated with water
○ have not gained or lost any water for thousands of years
○ have been collecting water for the past 10,000 years

答案是 3

總覺得 3說太多了(not gained or lost any water...),結果就認為是錯的... :(
請問是刪去法才有辦法得到答案嗎? 或是哪裡有線索我遺漏了呢?



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-10-03T09:06
These aquifers became saturated..這地下水達到飽和程度已
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-10-04T01:21
有萬年之久, no longer being recharged..也無法再注入新的
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-10-09T00:53


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2010-10-01T13:14
字神帝國『新托福考前點題衝刺』免費講座 http://0rz.tw/kv9E0 於10/09 (六) 14:30~15:45 隆重登場!! 新托福機經研究院院長『威廉王子』 親征考場數十次背下最新全真題。 獨家講解最新預測英文機經全真題必考重點! 不是網上剪輯資料能比得上的唷! 我們將廣 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-10-01T11:06
在作完黃金閱讀時, 我都會拿OG上的分數表來自己算拿多少分, 可是OG上有兩種分數表耶atat 其中一個分數是有範圍的, 另一個就是對多少,你就是拿多少分 老實說用有分數範圍的會比較令人心安^^and#34; 但是如果要比照真實考試所能拿到的分數, 平常在練習時要用哪一種算比較好呢?? 兩者的差別是在於?? ...

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Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-10-01T10:23
Stories (myths) may then grow up around a ritual. Frequently the myths include representatives of those supernatural forces that the rites celebrate or hop ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-10-01T03:44
9/12 R 28 L29 S20(FFF) W 24(FG) Total 101 大家好,這個成績其實我已經覺得很高了,但是因為我想要申請的某一間學校 他的口說門檻需要22而且聽說他很嚴格,沒有到達門檻就一定不會錄取 其實我那天口說表現沒有很好,所以我現在滿猶豫的 老實講我很怕萬一複查口說多扣兩分結 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-10-01T01:29
剛剛爬文過高雄文藻考場得評價 干擾很嚴重 但是我要的日子只剩這間了andgt;and#34;andlt; 這邊有些問題想要問近期考過的人 之前看是說沒有隔板!? 但後來又有人說位子很小 隔板很短!? 還有座位是六角形坐三人!? 教室回音很大!? 因為po文日期比較久以前 所以想問大家最近有考過可 ...