黃金閱讀 - Types of Social Groups - 英檢

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-01-17T12:40

Table of Contents

“Occasionally, this…working with…competitors.”此句中之”working with…
competitors”和(A)中之”…people…not cooperate.”意思接近。再簡單地說,文句中
之”competitors”類似(A)中之”people…not cooperate”所以(A)是正確答案。

(以上內容由美加 黃冠文老師提供)

※ 引述《iverson0227 (GoT)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 2:People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds:
: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links
: formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other
: people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve
: a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth.
: Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people
: to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of
: against competitors. More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach
: some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.
: 4. Which of the following can be inferred about instrumental ties from the
: author's mention of working with competitors in paragraph 2?
: ○ Instrumental ties can develop even in situations in which people would
: normally not cooperate.
: ○ Instrumental ties require as much emotional investment as expressive ties.
: ○ Instrumental ties involve security, love, and acceptance.
: ○ Instrumental ties should be expected to be significant.
: 答案是(A)
: 不過就這段來說
: Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people
: to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of
: against competitors. More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach
: some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.
: 完全看不到(A)提到的would normally not cooperate.
: (A)到底是哪裡對阿 很神奇耶 ~"~

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-01-19T17:04


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-01-17T09:38
※ 引述《dearbo (葳葳)》之銘言: : 大家好,我前年有考過一次toefl,但當時的作文並沒有很好,只有21。 : 打算下個月再來殺一次toefl。 : 檢討過去我整合寫作的模式, : 通常二、三、四段都會把passage說什麼打出來,再打lectured 的看法。 : passage與 lectur ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-01-16T22:39
請問整合寫作的形式就竟是要寫成essay 還是paragraph就好呀? 買的書都寫成paragraph 但之前的老師說要寫成essay 困惑中? -- - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-01-16T19:21
漸漸長大才發現 語文能力對我來說是最大的難點 (連國文都比一般人差…國語發音也是) 更何況英文…我竟然輸給一個大陸酒店女孩 但背單字此類的,對我來說比較沒有障礙 聽、說、寫文法,似乎完全不通 讀文章可以查查單字,還能夠理解文意 但目前比較忙 不知有什麼自然學習法呢? 有人能建議嗎?例如每天聽什 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-01-16T15:21
原文恕刪 我也是兩者都有考過,基本上機器聲音跟人口說真的不一樣,通常人會有些肢體動作 或眼神你可以猜出他大概的意思,機器的話以IELTS來說在聽力方面會有很多國家的口音 所以說,如果是考口說,TOEFL只要對機器錄下對話,但是IELTS是真人問問題, 如果考聽力,IELTS很多口音,TOEFL美國腔對你會 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-01-16T04:30
考場 Boston Training Center 99 Bedford St., Boston, MA 很方便的地點 在市中心 地鐵Park St和Downtown Crossing 中間 今天 好多大陸人阿 還有參雜一些安靜的韓國人 四五個西方人面孔 在美國考比較需要注意的是 不是美國公民的話記得帶護 ...