黃金閱讀 Lascaux Cave Paintings第5題 - 英檢

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-12-01T10:47

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那我看到Cave paintings in France and Spain, however, are in recesses and
caverns far removed from original cave entrance.這句

為什麼不能推論答案是(B)They did not live close to the cave entrances.



※ 引述《azcactus (Arizona)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《gotopxxx (趙居居)》之銘言:
: : Paragraph 2: One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their
: : location. Other rock paintings—for example, those of Bushmen in South Africa
: : —are either located near cave entrances or completely in the open. Cave
: : paintings in France and Spain, however, are in recesses and caverns far
: : removed from original cave entrances. This means that artists were forced to
: : work in cramped spaces and without sources of natural light. It also implies
: : that whoever made them did not want them to be easily found. Since cave
: : dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason
: : why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.
: : 5. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about cave painters in France and
: : Spain?
: : A They also painted rocks outside caves.
: : B They did not live close to the cave entrances.
: : C They developed their own sources of light to use while painting.
: : D Their painting practices did not last for many years.
: : 我查到好多不一樣的答案唷
: : 不知道哪個才是正確的
: : 煩請強人指導
: 答案C
: ...artists were forced to work....and withough sources of natural light.
: 藝術家被迫在沒有自然光線的環境中作畫(畫作的地點都在洞穴深處)
: A: 也在洞穴外畫畫 >> not mentioned
: B: 剛好相反 正常來說都住在洞口附近
: D: not mentioned (事實上文章說了傳了好幾代so many generations...)

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-12-06T08:52
他只說cave paintings離entrance很遠,沒提到住的地方


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-12-01T01:10
請問一下 我要強制加發時 在選學校的時候後 我又選了Graduate School 之後又出現一欄選科系 但是他只有四個選項加一個Another Department之類的 沒有確切的科系可以選 請問 托福的加發都是這樣嗎? 這樣ETS怎麼知道要寄到哪個科系 像GRE的就可以選確切的科系 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-12-01T00:28
很令人失望的分數.. 聽力炸掉了... 希望11/28會是個令人開心的分數.. 也期待大家會得到自己滿意的分數.. - ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-12-01T00:22
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Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-11-30T22:01
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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-11-30T20:44
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