黃金閱讀 biological clocks - 英檢

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-10-06T16:44

Table of Contents

黃金閱讀裡給的答案是 126 但我選的是246


The activity of animals is usually coordinated with periodically recurring
events in the environment.

Answer Choices

1。Most animals survive and reproduce successfully without coordinating their
activities to external environmental rhythms.
2。 The circadian period of an animal's internal clock is genetically
determined and basically unchangeable.
3。Environmental cues such as a change in temperature are enough to reset an
animal's clock.
4。Animals have internal clocks that influence their activities even when
environmental cues are absent.
5。Animals are less affected by large differences between their internal
rhythms and the local solar day than are humans
6。Because an animal's internal clock does not operate on a 24-hour cycle,
environmental stimuli are needed to keep the biological day aligned with the
solar day.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-10-11T13:55
246 +1
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-10-13T18:36

TPO V03的聽力第二篇的重聽題

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-10-06T16:31
重聽題題目是這樣的: 6. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. What does the professor imply when she says this: A There is disagreeme ...

12/15 學校要收到托福成績單,最晚什麼時候要應考?

David avatar
By David
at 2010-10-06T12:21
有考慮11/21做最後的掙扎,請問這樣美國學校12/15收得到成績單嗎? - ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-10-06T00:13
我有相同的疑問... 一開始以為下載後包山包海 後來發現1~18下載的內容 有的有一推圖檔 有的是分類好的 有的沒有聽力... 我完全不是在質疑發布者的不用心 是我真的不知道該怎麼用... 因為很多人說TPO可以當作實戰來練習 可是好多介面 跟文檔似乎都流失(我主要是要問 是不是我沒看到還是不會用? ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-10-05T22:40
大家好 想請問一下如果我九月考過了一次托福 而且有填四所免費加發的學校 成績出來以後想必ETS很好心的免費幫我送了 然後現在十月又想再考一次 那屆時 我之前已經送過成績的四所學校 會採用哪次成績呢 他會update我的分數嗎 是挑高分的 還是只採用第一次或最後一次收到的分數 還是要另外寫信去跟學校講才 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-10-05T18:12
有爬文了!如果有OP會D文的andgt;andlt; 我已經報名11月中的托福了,但還是沒有看到sampler的免費軟體 可以請問在ETS website的哪裡嗎? 對不起好像問了一個蠢問題Q_Q 但是沒做過實際介面題目還是怕怕的.... 謝謝好心人指點迷津! - ...