黃金閱讀 44 45 - 英檢

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-06-08T01:09

Table of Contents

※ 引述《christalner (爆炸花)》之銘言:
44. 17-Century European Economic Growth

題14.In late sixteenth-and early seventeenth-century Europe, increased
agricultural production and the expansion of trade were important in
economic growth

Answer choices
○ Bringing more land under cultivation produced enough food to create surpluses
for trade and investment as well as for supporting the larger populations that
led to the growth of rural industry.

○ Most rural villages established an arrangement with a nearby urban center
that enabled villagers to take advantage of urban markets to sell any
handicrafts they produced.

○ Increases in population and the expansion of trade led to increased
manufacturing, much of it small-scale in character but some requiring
significant capital investment.

○ Increased capital was required for the production of goods, for storage,
for trade, and for the provision of credit throughout of Europe as well as
distant markets overseas.

○ Bills of exchange were invented in medieval Italy but became less important
as banks began to provide loans for merchants.

○ The expansion of trade was facilitated by developments in banking and
financial services and benefitted from the huge influx of capital in the
form of gold silver from the Americas

答案是1 3 6


請問6的答案 他說in the form of gold silver 文中不是應該是 Bills of exchange?




2. 錯在他根本沒提這些,他只是舉了鄉村利用便宜人力來做家庭手工
以增加微薄收入的例子,沒提到 urban.

4. Details.

5. 剛好相反,loan 的出現是 bill of exchange 對銀行發展有貢獻的原因.

6. 答案可參照最後一段第一句:

The rapid expansion in international trade also benefitted from an infusion
of capital, stemming largely from gold and silver brought by Spanish vessels
from the Americas.

* 個人看法,搞不好有錯(我剛好看到這篇)。

※ 編輯: linmic 來自: (06/08 01:15)
christalner:stemming largely 的意思是?stem的意思不是阻止 封堵? 06/08 21:55
christalner:我蠢了 stem from 有 由...造成的意思 06/08 22:09

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-06-10T15:48
stemming largely 的意思是?stem的意思不是阻止 封堵?
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-06-13T23:09
我蠢了 stem from 有 由...造成的意思

TPO 15的下載點

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-06-07T14:31
請問一下有沒有人有TPO 15的下載點,要有閱讀的部份, 我知道要低調, 如果大大不方便直接說,請寄站內信給我。 感激不盡! - ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-06-07T03:07
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TPO 14 Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-06-06T23:05
請教一下做過TPO 14的 Paragraph 4: Nomadism also subjects pastoralist communities to strict rules of portability. If you are constantly on the move, you cannot af ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-06-06T21:15
做了些TPO 發現值2分的複選題常做錯... 請問一下板友: 正確答案是3 5 6的複選 我選3 4 5 或是選3 6(若我確定這兩個選項是對的) 扣分的結果一樣嗎? 是沒全對就全錯? 或是會給1分? 請問有人知道嗎? 謝謝! - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-06-06T19:47
我以前曾發文請教有關托福補習班 但試聽後,沒去補....感覺好像可以自己拼上100 考試當天,我覺得寫得很順,自我感覺良好,還慶幸沒去補習,省下一筆錢。 可是回到家,發現被ETS莫名其妙取消分數 (去年在美加的事,不只我一個,版上也討論過) 於是我又重考,感覺氣勢都弱了, 結果分數出來後...(9 ...