黃金48篇 Which hand did they use - 英檢

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-01-21T21:18

Table of Contents

Paragraph 4:
Fractures and other cut marks are another source of evidence.
Right-handed soldiers tend to be wounded on the left. The skeleton of a
40- or 50-year-old Nabatean warrior, buried 2,000 years ago in the Negev
Desert, Israel, had multiple healed fractures to the skull, the left arm,
and the ribs.

7. Which of the following statements about fractures and cut marks can be
inferred from paragraph 4?

○ Fractures and cut marks caused by right-handed soldiers tend to occur
on the right side of the injured party's body.
○ The right arm sustains more injuries because, as the dominant arm, it
is used more actively.
○ In most people, the left side of the body is more vulnerable to injury
since it is not defended effectively by the dominant arm.
○ Fractures and cut marks on fossil humans probably occurred after death.


因為選項D整個跳針,Fractures and cut marks 的原因變成occurred after death
而選項C比較合乎邏輯,題目是問infer 所以推測原因必須是和right hand user有關
因此since it is not defended effectively by the dominant arm(right hand)

Paragraph 5:
Tools themselves can be revealing. Long-handed Neolithic
spoons of yew wood preserved in Alpine villages dating to 3000 B.C. have
survived; the signs of rubbing on their left side indicate that their
users were right-handed. The late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of
Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore
tressed by a righthander.

9. In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the Ice Age rope found in
the French cave of Lascaux?

○ As an example of an item on which the marks of wear imply that it was
used by a right-handed person
○ Because tressing is an activity that is easier for a right-handed
person than for a left-handed person
○ Because the cave of Lascaux is the site where researchers have found
several prehistoric tools made for right-handed people
○ As an example of an item whose construction shows that it was right
handed made by a right-person

參考答案是B 個人答案是選D
文章是講冰河時代的robe's fiber spiral to right side
因此證明是又made by right hand

那選項B就很怪異 因為easier for a right handed 是比較意味 但文中並沒有比較

選項D的construction 反而有表現出這個意味..



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-01-22T13:37
我選的答案跟你的一樣 @@
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-01-25T12:06
剛剛看了一下圖片版的解答 發現是你的參考答案錯了 其實
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-01-27T14:43
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-02-01T12:38
感謝 我這兩題還研究很久 ~_~
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-02-03T22:26


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-01-21T18:52
小弟在寫Longman的時候發現有一題沒有說要兩個答案, 後來我只選一個,這個有選的是對的,結果我總共錯六題(其它整合題都對) 卻只有23分。 第一個問題是,題目是不是都會說明要選幾個答案。 第二個問題就是,沒有選滿兩個就算全錯嗎? 感謝大大指點迷津。 - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-01-21T18:36
其實想要波這篇文章已經很久了 之前一直被其他事情絆住 加上長期以來都是一枚潛水員.... 可是剛剛在跟我的專員通完電話後 火氣又上來了 所以趁著還很火的時候趕快上來一口氣把文章波完 文章有點長 可以跳過不看 但一定要看一下結論 我是在去年8月29日報名很優秀補習班90分保證班 會選擇很優秀補習班有很大的 ...

還沒選學校 但是要先考試

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-01-21T14:33
※ 引述《christinah (喵喵)》之銘言: : 事情是這樣的 : 我有打算要出國 可是還沒有找學校 : (主要是還不確定想要念什麼) : 想說先考完托福再說 : 可是報名的時候有免費加發四所學校的服務 : 目前是沒有填寫任何學校 : 可是感覺很浪費ˊˋ : 不知道板上有沒有跟我一樣的 或是有建議要怎嚜 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-01-21T14:24
事情是這樣的 我有打算要出國 可是還沒有找學校 (主要是還不確定想要念什麼) 想說先考完托福再說 可是報名的時候有免費加發四所學校的服務 目前是沒有填寫任何學校 可是感覺很浪費ˊˋ 不知道板上有沒有跟我一樣的 或是有建議要怎嚜處理關於免費加發部分嗎? 如果填寫了四間之後and#34;有 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-01-21T13:46
因個人因素,在下時間很多 而且可以為大家服務 自己也有考過ibt 雖然經驗不算是豐厚 不過也希望可以效力 以上 謝謝各位 -- 莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行,竹杖芒鞋勝輕馬,誰怕,ㄧ簑煙雨任平生 料峭春寒吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎,回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴 - ...