黃金29篇4.0 Aggression這一篇的第一題 - 英檢

By John
at 2010-01-05T22:29
at 2010-01-05T22:29
Table of Contents
Paragraph 2: The Biological Approach.
Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved
in aggression. One is the hypothalamus, a region of the brain.
In response to certain stimuli, many animals show
instinctive aggressive reactions. The hypothalamus appears to be
involved in this inborn reaction pattern: electrical stimulation of part
of the hypothalamus triggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many animals.
In people, however, whose brains are more complex, other brain
structures apparently moderate possible instincts.
1. According to paragraph 2, what evidence indicates that aggression in animals is related to the hypothalamus?
○Some aggressive animal species have a highly developed hypothalamus.
○Artificial stimulation of the hypothalamus results in aggression in animals.
○Animals behaving aggressively show increased activity in the hypothalamus.
○Animals who lack a hypothalamus display few aggressive tendencies.
Choice 2 is incorrect because,
while the paragraph states that "electrical stimulation"
triggers aggressive behavior in many animals, this is not "evidence" in itself
, but merely support for the more general statement in choice 3
that increased hypothalmusic activity, in general, is related to aggression.
看完之後還是覺得 癢癢的 = =
20號一戰的時候就常常陷入這種好想選的形況 作答跟便祕一樣
是不是純粹我個人邏輯能力很差的關係 有沒有什麼好方法可以改善
Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved
in aggression. One is the hypothalamus, a region of the brain.
In response to certain stimuli, many animals show
instinctive aggressive reactions. The hypothalamus appears to be
involved in this inborn reaction pattern: electrical stimulation of part
of the hypothalamus triggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many animals.
In people, however, whose brains are more complex, other brain
structures apparently moderate possible instincts.
1. According to paragraph 2, what evidence indicates that aggression in animals is related to the hypothalamus?
○Some aggressive animal species have a highly developed hypothalamus.
○Artificial stimulation of the hypothalamus results in aggression in animals.
○Animals behaving aggressively show increased activity in the hypothalamus.
○Animals who lack a hypothalamus display few aggressive tendencies.
Choice 2 is incorrect because,
while the paragraph states that "electrical stimulation"
triggers aggressive behavior in many animals, this is not "evidence" in itself
, but merely support for the more general statement in choice 3
that increased hypothalmusic activity, in general, is related to aggression.
看完之後還是覺得 癢癢的 = =
20號一戰的時候就常常陷入這種好想選的形況 作答跟便祕一樣
是不是純粹我個人邏輯能力很差的關係 有沒有什麼好方法可以改善
All Comments

By Doris
at 2010-01-10T00:09
at 2010-01-10T00:09

By Edward Lewis
at 2010-01-13T07:32
at 2010-01-13T07:32

By Irma
at 2010-01-16T04:48
at 2010-01-16T04:48

By Doris
at 2010-01-21T02:54
at 2010-01-21T02:54

By Tom
at 2010-01-25T03:44
at 2010-01-25T03:44

By David
at 2010-01-27T15:41
at 2010-01-27T15:41

By Daph Bay
at 2010-01-28T19:12
at 2010-01-28T19:12

By Yuri
at 2010-01-31T21:58
at 2010-01-31T21:58
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