高度軸性視差患者..knapp法則將會有所偏差.. - 眼鏡

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-08-28T14:31

Table of Contents


  Knapp's Rule states that lenses placed at the anterior focal point of the

eye, generally 15 mm in front of the eye, will create similarly sized images

on the retina, whenever the disparity between the two eyes is due to a

difference in axial length of the eyes.



  Knapp's rule, if the ametropia is entirely axial, corrective lenses

placed in the anterior focal plane of the eye will result in approximately

equal-size retinal image (iseikonia).







A study of aniseikonia and Knapp's law using a projection space eikonometer.

by P Kramer, S Shippman, G Bennett, D Meininger and V Lubkin

METHODS: Thirteen patients with suspected axial anisometropia of at least 4

Diopters were identified, selected and examined. Cycloplegic refraction,

A-scan ultrasonic ocular biometry and Essilor Projection Space Eikonometry

were performed.

RESULTS: Ten of the thirteen patients had their anisometropia

due primarily to ocular axial length differences. Of these ten, seven (70%)

had detectable levels of aniseikonia and 3 (30%) demonstrated no aniseikonia.

The other three patients whose aniso-metropia was due to combined axial and

refractive components, all had aniseikonia.

CONCLUSION: As a geometric optics theory, Knapp's Law stands on its own merits.

However, in clinical practice, reduction in retinal element density in high

myopia limits its applicability. Such patients often do have significant

aniseikonia which can produce ocular referable complaints and/or interfere with

binocular vision. | PMID: 10553112

Tags: 眼鏡

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-08-27T18:18
眼鏡度數不夠 最近想去換一下 請問像得恩堂、寶島、小林這種連鎖店 鏡片會貴很多嗎? 因為我只有一副 所以很希望趕快拿回來 連鎖店跟私人的店比較的話 連鎖店會比較快完工嗎? 謝謝 - ...

已經請ByWP台灣代理幫忙鑑定 ( 有附圖 )

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-08-27T15:07
因為要找某日劇中,醫院院長戴的眼鏡 剛剛email給ByWP台灣總代理,拜託他們幫忙鑑定一下 同時也帶著Notebook到平常最常去交關的眼鏡行 請店員看著影片幫我找 http://photo.xuite.net/fominhsu/4231481 密碼 : ptt123 請站上的眼 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-08-27T13:53
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Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-08-27T00:56
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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-08-26T22:22
最近想要配一副新眼鏡和隱形眼鏡 爬文好多人都推薦水源街附近 但我平常完全不會去那也對那不熟 捷運站附近或是英專路比較熟悉 仁愛.寶島.小林.大陸.911.國昌.大學 好像就這幾家 想找比較便宜的店 爬文寶島好像會賣貴 請大家分享這幾家或是這附近還有哪些不錯的店 謝謝 - ...