高低牙螺絲特別適合用在那些材質?? - 木工

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-01-20T14:46

Table of Contents

※ 引述《Sodium (Sodium)》之銘言:
: 這是高低牙自攻螺絲
: http://i.imgur.com/MpBiLFI.png
: 最大特徵是螺絲牙有兩種,高與低
: 我查詢到的資料是說 可以降低物件被鎖裂的風險
: 請問除了這個優點外 還有其他的嗎??
: 謝謝前輩先進


HI-LO® Fasteners - For Plastic and Other Low Density Materials


The HI-LO® fastener is the minimal performance solution for fastening in low
pressure environments such as plastic, particle board, masonite, and wood. It
’s designed with a double-lead thread where the HI thread is sharper than a
conventional one. More material is trapped in between the threads which helps
to resist pull-out. This also allows for a lower driving torque.


Perfect screw for low-stress applications
Reduced cracking in plastic bosses
Smaller sized bosses can be designed to save in material and space
Increased pull-out resistance


SEMS - add a washer under the head to span larger holes, protect fragile
surfaces, and distribute load.
The 30º included angle of the high thread displaces less material when it is
driven into plastic or wood and, therefore, requires lower driving torques. A
greater amount of material remains between the high threads, increasing the
stripping torque. Low driving torque and high stripping torque provide
maximum protection against stripping problems.




Tags: 木工

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-01-23T11:58


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-01-18T09:01
麻煩版友 推薦3D繪圖軟體或是chrome plugin 可以用來描繪立體草圖 若是免費的最好 或是不要太貴 我在網路上搜幾個關鍵字 下面這套常常出現 http://www.sketchup.com/ 但是一套要$695美金 麻煩各位推薦 感謝 - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-01-17T17:17
在公寓做木工,電動工具雖然製作快速,但引來街坊鄰居的抗議, 那就來用手工具做木工吧!!! 簡易抽屜櫃,前陣子跟太太一起去逛大創買了幾個白色盒子要拿來當皮革成品的 備貨盒,但這個盒子平擺太位空間,堆疊又不方便拿東西, 因此就開始製作一個簡易的抽屜櫃~ 影片:https://youtu.be/p-deB-Gtr ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-01-17T16:20
這是高低牙自攻螺絲 http://i.imgur.com/MpBiLFI.png 最大特徵是螺絲牙有兩種,高與低 我查詢到的資料是說 可以降低物件被鎖裂的風險 請問除了這個優點外 還有其他的嗎?? 謝謝前輩先進 - ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-01-17T13:58
目前想做音響櫃,架子使用方架,層板自己找木材行切,需要耐重約30~50KG不變形 大小:50 X 60 X 1.8(找6分~1吋左右的厚度,主要需求是不會變形,次要需求美觀) 材質:柚木、胡桃木....之類的硬木 本人對這行不熟,臨時要找木材行也不知道哪間比較推薦,時間不急約年後才有需求, 先來版上問看看 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2017-01-17T11:39
請問各位大大, 小弟想要買白橡或松木(非成品)材料自己釘一些木桌椅, 要有煙燻效果的,如圖 http://i.imgur.com/wwkT7Wx.jpg (完成後可以自己上防水漆) 請問各位大大哪裡可以買到這些木材料,最好有聯絡方式。 另外,可以順便介紹哪裡有可以在木頭上雷射圖案標誌的廠商,不要太貴,謝謝 ...