馬里蘭大學史密斯商學院 Coffee chat @ TPE - 英檢

By Margaret
at 2010-12-19T00:14
at 2010-12-19T00:14
Table of Contents
各位正在準備申請2011年 或未來有意申請MBA program同學們大家好:
我們是馬里蘭大學史密斯商學院( U of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business)
在校生,我們將於1/8(週六) 2pm~4pm於義磚義瓦舉辦coffee chat,同時我們會邀請已經
畢業的學長姐一起參加,我們將介紹Smith School of Business、分享申請過程及在校的
時間: 1/8/2011 週六 2:00PM ~4:00PM
地點: 義磚義瓦(台北市敦化南路一段233巷59號)
請至以下的網址RSVP: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B7KQMZQ
如有任何疑問請mail至 [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there.
Dear prospective students,
We are current MBA students at University of Maryland Smith School of Business.
We would like to invite you to join our information session in Taipei.
This year, we have 3 Taiwanese current students and several alumni will attend
the session. We are hoping that, through the info session, we can provide you
with more insights of the Smith MBA as well as help you deal with the
application process. To know more about the program, to have chance talking
to current students and alumni, the Smith info session in Taipei would be
the event you want to attend. We are all looking forward to seeing you there.
Please find the detailed information below.
Information Session
Time: 2-4 pm, Jan 8 (Sat), 2011
Location: 義磚義瓦 (台北市敦化南路一段233巷59號)
* To attend this info session, please RSVP via the following link.
If you have any questions, please also feel free to send an e-mail to
[email protected]
* This is a volunteer event, so we are not able to offer food/drinks.
Thanks for your understanding. Again, we look forward to seeing you there.
Jeffrey Huang
MBA candidate 2012
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland
[email protected]
301-648-3394 Mobile in US - available before Jan 2
0937-859-929 Mobile in TW - available after Jan 3
我們是馬里蘭大學史密斯商學院( U of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business)
在校生,我們將於1/8(週六) 2pm~4pm於義磚義瓦舉辦coffee chat,同時我們會邀請已經
畢業的學長姐一起參加,我們將介紹Smith School of Business、分享申請過程及在校的
時間: 1/8/2011 週六 2:00PM ~4:00PM
地點: 義磚義瓦(台北市敦化南路一段233巷59號)
請至以下的網址RSVP: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B7KQMZQ
如有任何疑問請mail至 [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there.
Dear prospective students,
We are current MBA students at University of Maryland Smith School of Business.
We would like to invite you to join our information session in Taipei.
This year, we have 3 Taiwanese current students and several alumni will attend
the session. We are hoping that, through the info session, we can provide you
with more insights of the Smith MBA as well as help you deal with the
application process. To know more about the program, to have chance talking
to current students and alumni, the Smith info session in Taipei would be
the event you want to attend. We are all looking forward to seeing you there.
Please find the detailed information below.
Information Session
Time: 2-4 pm, Jan 8 (Sat), 2011
Location: 義磚義瓦 (台北市敦化南路一段233巷59號)
* To attend this info session, please RSVP via the following link.
If you have any questions, please also feel free to send an e-mail to
[email protected]
* This is a volunteer event, so we are not able to offer food/drinks.
Thanks for your understanding. Again, we look forward to seeing you there.
Jeffrey Huang
MBA candidate 2012
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland
[email protected]
301-648-3394 Mobile in US - available before Jan 2
0937-859-929 Mobile in TW - available after Jan 3
All Comments

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