飛行模擬機中心 Simulator Technicians - 桃園

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-05-11T17:39

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板 #1NC1w1Qp ]

作者: Vljiao (Good Morning) 看板: Tech_Job
標題: [徵才] 飛行模擬機中心 Simulator Technicians
時間: Mon May 9 13:22:07 2016

[Position Title職缺名稱] Junior Simulator Technician

[About us 關於我們]

本公司為澳洲商Ansett Aviation Training Holdings Pty Ltd在台灣設立之亞洲據點,
亞洲的交通樞紐: 台灣,將我們高品質的飛航訓練服務更進一步推展向國際。

Ansett Aviation Asia operates a range of full-motion flight simulators to
train commercial pilots in the Asian region. Established in Australia with
over 40 years track record of flight simulation training, Ansett is building
its training operations in the heart of the Taoyuan Aerotropolis. We are
looking for young, enthusiastic individuals with a passion for an exciting
career in the aviation industry. Working as part of a high-performing team,
you will apply your technical skills and knowledge to provide fully serviced
flight simulators for use by AAA's customers.

請參考我們的網站 https://www.ansettaviationasia.com
Senoir technician http://www.104.com.tw/job/?jobno=4uxde&jobsource=n104bank1
Junior technician http://www.104.com.tw/job/?jobno=4uxci&jobsource=n104bank1

[About the role關於這個職缺]

This position reports to experienced Maintenance Manager and is responsible
for routine maintenance and troubleshooting technical tasks or system
problems; by reference to maintenance manuals and documentation. Your work
may be reviewed by experienced technicians to ensure compliance with standard
operating procedures and practices. Newly created solutions will be reviewed
by the Maintenance Manager as required.
We expect diligent and responsible staff to ensure that our operations run
smoothly with minimal downtime.
In the role, you will;

A. Receiving training in device system and subsystems including all
necessary technical guidance
B. Receive a high level simulator course for 2 weeks on site by the
simulator manufacturer.

[Essential Duties and Responsibilities 工作內容] include, but are not
limited to the following:

1. 熟悉設計電子電路的相關系統與設備,具備電子電路設計、檢修、分析能力。
2. 可靈活運用專業技術/通用常識在各種例行性設備維護工作
3. 具備學習設備的操作、系統設計標準、工具和了解流程的能力
4. 具備精確紀錄各項維護工作及料件庫存的紀錄及追蹤
5. 其他主管交辦工作

‧ Applies working technical/on-technial knowledge to perform simple
or routine tasks in support of work on various devices, while following
detailed instrucions which encompass all procedures.
‧ New or advanced assignments will be given detailed review and be spot
checked. Tasks previously accomplished and documented as proficient do not
require review or spot check, though they may be at the Maintenance Manager
or Shift Lead’s discretion.
‧ Localizes and replaces defective parts in electronic circuits.
‧ Requires use of block, wiring and schematic diagrams to trace basic
‧ Maintains required documentation of maintenance activities.
‧ Monitors and tracks the repair status of inoperative equipment and
document maintenance activities utilizing the logistics management data
‧ Documents maintenance activities to include but not limited to, work
order generation and updates, repair action documentation, issuing,
returning, and adjusting inventory, insuring inventory records are up to
date and accurate, and other material control duties as assigned.
‧ Conducts voice communications on phone, inter-phone and radio circuits.
‧ Provides networking and information systems support on training devices
and networks.
‧ Learns device requirements, system design standards, tools and
‧ Implements basic modifications to existing simulators.
‧ Performs other duties as assigned.

[Education and/or Experience 學歷/經歷要求]

1. 專科以上主修電子/機電/電腦/航空/模擬機技術相關
2. 或兩年以上相關工作經驗
3. 具備本領域的基本概念及知識,可精確的寫作及表達
4. 具備英文能力

‧ Position requires a Technical College Degree with no experience or an
equivalent combination of technical education and related experience in
electronics, electromechanical, computer, aviation or simulation technology.
‧ Or, Two (2) years of related experience may substitute for absence of
Technical College Degree
‧ Knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within a
particular field
‧ Related skill areas should include technical writing and presentation



[Application Process聯絡我們]

To apply or for further information, please contact:
[email protected]


Tags: 桃園

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-05-14T20:23


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2016-05-11T14:23
01.拾獲狗狗品種:吉娃娃 02.拾獲時間: 105年 5月 11日 上午 10:30 03.拾獲地點:桃園市蘆竹區南祥路 04.性別:公 05.毛色 or 明顯特徵: 黑色 06.身高、身長、體重: 4公斤左右 07.照片聯結: http://i.imgur.com/SkJ3M4P.jpg ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-05-11T13:45
想請問大家 桃園市區有賣帆布手提袋的店嗎~ 類似圖片這種 http://i.imgur.com/x1BBYQa.jpg 素色的 價格一百以內 因為找來找去好像只有網購有 謝謝大家~ - ...


George avatar
By George
at 2016-05-11T13:43
板上大家好 我們是專門的台灣鮮果處理貿易公司 敝公司今年的荔枝與愛文芒果預購已經開始 相關資訊如下 有想餽贈日本親友的朋友 煩請多多參考 感恩 荔枝 3kg/2700 預購日期4/11-5/31 出貨日6/10-6/14 愛文預購4/11-7/10 出貨日6/10-7/31 2.5kg/2200 5kg/ ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-05-11T11:59
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1NCdVrqE ] 作者: kadngkat (kat) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [協尋] 請幫我找找家人 時間: Wed May 11 08:08:17 2016 已聯絡上,感謝留言的各位!! ----------------------- ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2016-05-11T05:23
我的筆筆電壞了好一段時間,已經過保了,我知道 我的筆電維修很費用很較高,可是最怕遇到可怕的店家 我也沒在外面的店家給人修過筆電,為了這臺我爸送 我的禮物,捨不得當成裝飾品,於是我找到了傑駿電腦 一開始我在我家附近找,好幾次都碰壁,有些是不願意修, 有些則是直接說送原廠,我知道我的筆電不嚴重,只是換些東西 , ...