非裔美軍尋找1968年照片中的女人 - 台中

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-03-24T02:21

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※ [本文轉錄自 Supermission 看板 #1MyXeZz6 ]

作者: hank11202010 (阿爆) 看板: Supermission
標題: [舊愛] 菲裔美軍尋找1968年照片中的女人
時間: Wed Mar 23 12:22:56 2016


2.<尋找對象姓名>:紀明英(chi ming yin)錯號kiko
11.<聯絡方式>: 在facebook文章上面回文,comment裡面有人幫忙整理,聯絡
12.<其他特徵描述>:大家好!在照片中間的男士是我的父親,在右手邊的女士是我父親從1968到現在一直再尋找的人。她的名字是“Ming Ying
Chi”(翻譯者的我在想因是羅馬通用譯語),我父親給她的小名是“Kiko”。現在的她約為70-71歲,會說英文,我父親非常愛她,也曾想把她帶回美國,但當時情況不容許。她曾寫信過給我父親,告訴他,她生下了他們倆的孩子(男生為台灣-非洲美國裔,現今年齡約為47-48歲),後來我父親跟別人結婚了,當時我祖母沒把信轉交給他,並且也沒告訴我父親Ming的回信地址及小孩的名字。我父親曾登報協尋過,但始終無音訊。從1968到現在,我父親一直再尋找“Ming Ying Chi


Hello Everyone! My Father, pictured in the middle has been searching for the lady pictured on the right since 1968. Her name is Ming Ying Chi (his nickname for her was Kiko, she spoke English and should be around 70-71 years old, now). He was in the US Air Force and was stationed in Taichung, Taiwan during the Vietnam War. He was very much in love with her and wanted to bring her back to the United States, but was unable to at that time. She wrote him one letter telling him that she had given birth to
his child, a little boy (he is Taiwanese and African-American and should be approx. 47-48 years old now). Because he was to marry someone else, my Grandmother would not give him the letter, give him Ming's return address or tell him the child's name. He has even listed several ads in the newspaper there over the years, with no responses. He has been searching for his son and Ming since 1968. He recently told my siblings and I the whole story and asked if we can help him find them before he dies. The lady
pictured on the left is Ming's sister. I don't know her name. If anyone in Taichung knows either of these ladies, PLEASE, PLEASE help me get in contact with her. I would appreciate anyone's help.


All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-03-26T21:06
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-03-29T15:50
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-04-01T10:35
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-04-04T05:19
大雅50左右的混血黑人不難找吧 一直找不到應該是搬家了


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-03-23T23:46
小弟又來發問了 眼看剩下40天不到 是該好好衝刺了 不過,還是很混所以有空餘的時間問這個問題。 目前以人力銀行的調查來說 中南部平均薪資是28k 北部31k 請問屏東實際情況大部分是怎樣呢?(兒少、家庭部分) 有沒有美和科大社工系的畢業生 可以現身說法從學校畢業andgt;找到工作 之間會不會需要隔很久、很難 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-03-23T21:38
之前在麥克健身房加入會員 因為要搬家了 想要找人承接 剩下會藉到 105年12月31號 每個月1250元 (還需繳3000的設備維護費) 意者請洽站內信 - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-03-23T21:19
上禮拜是在市場那條路上的麵店遇到 當時剛好下午1點左右去買午餐 在等待時突然聽到店裡傳來一陣咆哮 視線一轉只見一個中年婦人對著空氣大聲講話 我看老闆也只能苦笑 今天下班回家時經過高架鐵路要左轉往全聯的那個路口又碰到同一人 下班時間車流量很大 只見該名精神異常的婦人撐著傘又在那裡大吼大叫 人就站 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-03-23T17:28
大家好, 我家女兒預計要讀今年的中班, 打算準備要參觀學校~ 想請問虎尾地區有推薦的幼稚園嗎?? 能否告知推薦的地方是什麼呢??感謝~ - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-03-23T17:19
想請問一下這張圖是在哪間學校拍的? 台北朋友想去,雖然我是屏東人但對屏東很不熟QQ 懇請神通廣大的鄉民幫幫忙解惑,感謝。 http://i.imgur.com/wpote5J.jpg - ...