陳樹菊-時代百大人物◎李安英文推薦下載 - 英檢

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-04-30T12:45

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令人感動的台灣菜販陳樹菊女士 獲選TIME時代百大影響人物


Chen Shu-chu
By Ang Lee Thursday, Apr. 29, 2010
Illustration by Joe Ciardiello for TIME

Chen Shu-chu is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County's
central market, in southern Taiwan. Out of her modest living, Chen, 59,
has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that's $320,000) to
various causes, including $32,000 for a children's fund, $144,000 to help
build a library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local
orphanage, where she also gives financial support to three children.

What's so wonderful about Chen's achievement is not its extraordinariness
but that it is so simple and matter of fact in its generosity.
"Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it,"
she told a newspaper.

And rather than bask in her celebrity, Chen seems to dismiss the whole thing
with a wave of her hand, perhaps even with a hint of irritation. "There isn't
much to talk about, because I did not enter any competition," she says.
"I haven't really made any huge donations."

She's planning to establish a fund to help the poor with education, food and
health care. Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her

Lee is the Taiwanese-born director of Brokeback Mountain

TIME 100 Social-Networking Index: 0

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更新日期:2010/04/30 10:30



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Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-04-30T04:36
請問一下版上戰友們 有沒有類似的經驗. 我0227考完 三月底完成學校(Dalhousie University, Canada)線上申請的手續 照理說 成績單應該已經要寄到了 結果學校說沒收到. 我四月初打電話請ETS再加發一次 到現在要五月了 學校還是沒收到 囧~ 我打電話給 ETS 學校註冊組 系所 ...

66天 不買書不補習 考好托福

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-04-30T02:23
首先要在這裡感謝Xination大大的部落格 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23491546 這是任何想考好托福的人都該看的部落格! (我是他NTHU PHYS的學弟喔! 雖然不認識他本人 但還是超驕傲的!) 還有這篇不是炫耀文 只是想提供給有點英文底子 正想開始 ...

黃金閱讀Petroleum Resources

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-04-29T15:23
Paragraph 4: As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environments. The development of the oil field ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-04-29T14:52
各位前輩好...小弟是中文系畢(英文幾乎忘光了) 想準備高普考的英文...所以想先從最基本的單字跟文法學起 不知道可不可以請教各位在高雄有哪一家補習班(或老師)...推薦給小弟 因為我想說...既然要學了...就腳踏實地的學 謝謝各位前輩 - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-04-29T08:58
※ 引述《KirinGuess (Kirin)》之銘言: : 以下有兩個句子,分別都使用兩種寫法, : 不知道我對它們的理論有沒有錯誤, : 麻煩大家指正,謝謝。 : (看托福版的人數蠻多的,所以我也來這裡發問。 :  如果這個問題不適合發表在這裡,我會馬上刪掉。) : 句子1的寫法1: : The farm ...