關於環保的英文文章(20點) - 回收

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-11-14T00:00

Table of Contents

1.global warming(全球氣溫上升)
3.public transportation(公共的交通轉運工具)
5.alternative fuels(替代能源)
6.Arctic melt(北極冰山融化)
7.deforestation (樹林減少)(樹木砍伐)
佔1~2段 不用太多行 幾句就可當作一段
Update 2:
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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-11-15T20:47
A recent years, more than 100, which is the middle of the eighteenth century industrial revolution, because of industrial progress brought about economic prosperity and improved the standard of living human beings, they also accelerated the growth of the population. As the population grew rapidly, the Earth's limited resources, the human pursuit of economic development, had to over-exploitation of natural resources on Earth. So is the large-scale deforestation for farmland; to open a large number of coal mining, oil and gas, and other fossil fuels for energy. These human activities, so the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase. Carbon dioxide content, to enhance the atmosphere of the greenhouse effect, then increased greenhouse.
Before the industrial revolution, the global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is about 260ppm; 1940's, the atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the following 320ppm. In 1958 the United States Mauna Loa in Hawaii (Mauna Loa) volcano monitoring stations set up carbon dioxide, the official beginning of a long-term continuous records. Figure 6 is from 1958 to 1988, carbon dioxide content of the record. We can see from the map, the world's atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have reached 350ppm, than before the industrial revolution, an increase of 90ppm, the rate of increase of more than 30%. At present, but the rate of increase in carbon dioxide faster than ever before, each year more than 1ppm. According to the current rate of increase in carbon dioxide, scientists forecast in 2030, the Earth will be to enhance the greenhouse effect, global temperature will be higher than the current 1.5 ~ 4.5 ℃. The warming temperature of the degree of convergence over the last ice age on Earth since temperature range.
2008-11-16 07:31:59 補充:
Global warming of the earth will also cause sea level rise, scientists predict there will be three possible situations. The first one is the best situation, but also the smallest increase in sea surface where it is needed immediately to strictly control the emission of greenhouse gases in 2050,
2008-11-16 07:32:22 補充:
when the sea will rise 13 centimeters, in 2100, when the sea surface to rise 28 cm. The second is a bad situation, but also a large increase in sea surface where it is not currently control greenhouse gas emissions,
2008-11-16 07:32:34 補充:
and with it any worse, in 2050, when the sea surface to rise 79 centimeters, in 2100, when Sea water will rise 217 cm. The third is the emergence of the real world, the worst case, this time not only to control greenhouse gas emissions,
2008-11-16 07:32:44 補充:
but also people joined the over-extraction of groundwater caused by the subsidence of the site, which sea-level rise on the circumstances vary from place to place, can not be fully predicted.
2008-11-16 07:32:54 補充:
Will inundation of sea water rising in the low-lying coastal areas, damage to agricultural land, harbor and transport facilities. According to the scientists estimate that if the sea water in 2050 increased by only 13 centimeters,
2008-11-16 07:33:03 補充:
which is the smallest rate of increase in sea water, Bangladesh will be 1% of the land into the sea; if 144 cm rise in sea surface, then Bangladesh will have 16% of the land disappear In the water.
2008-11-16 07:33:12 補充:
Experts estimate that by 2050, Bangladesh's sea-surface area may be increased by 209 centimeters, so that the volume of sea-level rise will enable Bangladesh to 18% of the sinking of land.
2008-11-16 07:33:21 補充:
Low-lying coastal sank in the sea, that will live in the other displaced residents, turned into refugees, which would likely lead to Du, economic and political instability.
2008-11-16 07:33:30 補充:
Earth's global warming effects are not consistent. In the polar regions, the rate of temperature rise may be the world's average of 2 to 3 times; in the tropics, the rate of temperature increase may be only the world's average of 50-100 percent. As the polar regions of high temperature,
2008-11-16 07:33:37 補充:
low latitude warming relief, the high and low latitudes, the temperature gradient between the impaired, so the global atmospheric circulation system will change. As the high and low latitudes,
2008-11-16 07:33:45 補充:
the temperature gradient between the change in the current global system of ocean currents may change. Although most of the world, both as a result of warming and the effects of warming, but after a warm current, it may become warm current to change the direction of the cold.
2008-11-16 07:33:52 補充:
Global warming will also lead to changes in water balance. Experts estimate that if temperatures rise 1.5 ~ 4.5 ℃, the global water cycle will step up 5% to 10%. Global precipitation may increase,
2008-11-16 07:34:00 補充:
but the precipitation time and geographical distribution will change in some areas may become more humid in some places may become dry. In addition, the role of evapotranspiration due to temperature and strengthened,
2008-11-16 07:34:03 補充:
so that the surface runoff and groundwater fill the note also decreased.


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-11-12T00:00
舊遊戲主機 超任+磁碟機 ,N64 還有一堆磁碟片 資源回收場會收嗎 ?? 如果要丟垃圾車要算哪一類啊??直接丟給回收車嗎??


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-11-12T00:00
另外,關�� ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-11-12T00:00
今天整理家裡的時候發現有一批銅板好像電子電路用的大概重10公斤表面是金色的請問拿去賣資源回收比較好賺還� ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-11-12T00:00
請問誰有約1歲左右的幼兒衣物嗎(女生)?穿不下的,能給我嗎 .謝謝
我住台中 如有緣人願意分送 貨運費願意自行吸收(自用,非資源回收站)


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-11-10T00:00