關於口說Q4 - 英檢

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-11-30T17:02

Table of Contents


In everyday life, when peoplespeak of memory , they are always speaking about what psychologists would call explicit memory. An explicit memory is a conscious or intentional recollection, usually of facts, names, events, or other things that a person can state or declare. There is another kind of memory that is not conscious. Memories of this kind are called implicit memories. An individual can have an experience that he or she cannot consciously recall yet still display reactions that indicate the
experience has been somehow recorded in his or her brain.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2010-12-03T19:11
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-12-07T23:15
我之前也有因為模板碰過這樣的問題 後來一直練習之後
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-12-12T21:54
覺得定不定義要看題目而定 主要還是著重在演講的例子
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-12-14T03:25
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-12-14T13:53


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-11-30T16:40
想請問整合寫作最後一段的問題,最前面會把不同的三個點都寫出來, 那最後一段是只要寫:說話的人對整篇有完全不一樣的意見就好, 還是要把不同的三點再說ㄧ遍? 因為看到多種不同版本的寫法,不知道哪種比較好,感謝各位 - ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-11-30T14:35
想請問有複查過的人,複查後ET$會通知嗎? 從11月初傳真rescore request到現在, 除了傳真一周後收到rescore確認, 到現在都沒有新的消息... 有點擔心ET$到底有沒有在process... 雖然還沒到3周, 但是過幾天眼看就要到了... 也想問版友們, 根據過去經驗, 從 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-11-30T10:55
小弟目前是用TPO來自我測驗~ 目前為止也寫了七八篇了~~好一點大概一篇錯兩題~平均大概一篇正常錯五到六題~ 蠻慘的~~ 有些問題想請教大家是怎麼看的~ 第一是看到前面的文章~有提到他在考試的時候很少真正在時間內作完~ 也就是說有用猜的部分~想問一下~ 我自己是都限制自己一定要在時間裡每題都要看過 ...

托福成績寄送 如何知道已送達?

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-11-30T04:19
在網路上查詢學校代碼寄送之後 有什麼方法確定自己沒填錯 學校有收到呢? 很怕弄錯什麼 學校沒收到 然後學校看我沒寄 就取消我的申請資格或給予不錄取... 感謝回答~ - ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-11-30T00:57
請問一下 有人最近上ETS的TOEFL網頁時 輸入帳號密碼後 它顯示 Your password has expired. Please choose a new password. 請問這是怎麽回事啊 我照他只是改變密碼 還是不能登入 請問該怎麽辦? 謝謝 - ...