關於EXETER開的graduate diploma… - 留學

By Quintina
at 2009-07-29T18:00
at 2009-07-29T18:00
Table of Contents
I got the same letter from exeter as well (3 years ago)
they asked me to do the pre-master course before the master course.
I emailed them back to say:
'I cannot see any reason why I have to do the course; I graduated from a
recongised university in Taiwan and got my BA degree; my language test result
also met the standard you listed on the website. I do not think it's fair to
ask me to do the course before doing the Masters.'
Then they sent me the unconditional offer a week after the email.
I suppose the univeristy just sen the letter to anyone they might give the
offer- for making more money for the university.
※ 引述《starfocus06 (哈囉你好嗎)》之銘言:
: 請問有人上過graduate diploma嗎?
: 應該就是所謂的pre-master的課程
: 因為大學實在太愛玩了
: 也從來沒有想過會有留學英國的這一天
: 導致大學的GPA真的慘不忍睹
: 看了EXETER開的這個課程真的很心動
: 如果我沒有意會錯的話
: If you pass the course at a good level,
: you are guaranteed a place on Masters programmes in business or finance,
: law or public administration at the University of Exeter.
: 這句話的意思是如果成績好的話 可以直接近入EXETER上Master
: 對於我們這種GPA不好的人真的像天上掉下來的禮物一樣
: 所以想請問板上的大家
: 有沒有人上過這樣pre-master的課程
: 真的真的可以直接上Master嗎???
: 後來爬文有看到人家在討論Sheffield的pre
: 大概了解一點
: 可是還是希望有大大可以詳細的說明
: 如果拿到diploma
: 想要申請別的學校有加分作用嗎?
: 還是他們還是比較注重你在台灣的大學成績呢??
they asked me to do the pre-master course before the master course.
I emailed them back to say:
'I cannot see any reason why I have to do the course; I graduated from a
recongised university in Taiwan and got my BA degree; my language test result
also met the standard you listed on the website. I do not think it's fair to
ask me to do the course before doing the Masters.'
Then they sent me the unconditional offer a week after the email.
I suppose the univeristy just sen the letter to anyone they might give the
offer- for making more money for the university.
※ 引述《starfocus06 (哈囉你好嗎)》之銘言:
: 請問有人上過graduate diploma嗎?
: 應該就是所謂的pre-master的課程
: 因為大學實在太愛玩了
: 也從來沒有想過會有留學英國的這一天
: 導致大學的GPA真的慘不忍睹
: 看了EXETER開的這個課程真的很心動
: 如果我沒有意會錯的話
: If you pass the course at a good level,
: you are guaranteed a place on Masters programmes in business or finance,
: law or public administration at the University of Exeter.
: 這句話的意思是如果成績好的話 可以直接近入EXETER上Master
: 對於我們這種GPA不好的人真的像天上掉下來的禮物一樣
: 所以想請問板上的大家
: 有沒有人上過這樣pre-master的課程
: 真的真的可以直接上Master嗎???
: 後來爬文有看到人家在討論Sheffield的pre
: 大概了解一點
: 可是還是希望有大大可以詳細的說明
: 如果拿到diploma
: 想要申請別的學校有加分作用嗎?
: 還是他們還是比較注重你在台灣的大學成績呢??
All Comments

By Mia
at 2009-08-01T03:59
at 2009-08-01T03:59

By Dinah
at 2009-08-02T16:33
at 2009-08-02T16:33

By Jacob
at 2009-08-05T21:07
at 2009-08-05T21:07

By Doris
at 2009-08-08T13:15
at 2009-08-08T13:15

By Jacob
at 2009-08-13T02:32
at 2009-08-13T02:32
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