關於ETS問卷... - 英檢

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-12-20T17:15

Table of Contents









Thank you for completing this survey. We have just a few more questions

for you.

TOEFL is considering providing a speech sample to those schools that test

takers send their score reports to. With this speech sample the people at

the schools in charge of admissions will be able to listen to a candidates

answer to a question on TOEFL. Please answer the following questions about

this speech sample service.

Overall, how positive or negative do you feel about the speech sample

being provided to a school you send your scores to? Please use a scale

of 1 to 10 where 1 is Not at all positive at all and 10 is Very positive.

Of course, you may use any number between 1 and 10 that you see fit.





TOEFL is considering offering test takers who have taken TOEFL the option

to retake only certain parts of the test if they needed to improve their

scores. For instance, if you needed to improve your score on the speaking

portion of the test, you could retake only that section and not all of the

others. If you knew that this option was available to you and you were

choosing between two English language tests, how important would this be

in your decision of what test to take.



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-12-22T15:44
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-12-27T08:17
我也做了 單科重考我也是寫完全贊成
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-12-27T17:53
可以搭配真的是太讚了 但ET$會不會光是一個口說就要$160
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-12-31T04:46
我的回答和原po相同, 分科重考的確是人性化的方案


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-12-20T17:05
閱讀有三篇 聽力3組 口說6提~ 寫作2偏 有家試題嗎~~~ 大家覺得12/20這場算簡單嗎 ?還是難? 我覺得閱讀有點小難 不過基本上還ok 聽力第一組我覺得很簡單 第二組的lecture幾乎不太懂~~ 口說第四五題有點不懂  第六題很簡單 寫作還ok 匪尼基人那部分有點聽不太懂 大家覺得哩 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-12-20T17:04
今天去考一開始試音就沒有過 試了好幾次 也越來越大聲 都沒有過 很神奇的服務人員來 就過了 等考完閱讀 聽力 又要試音 又一直不過 囧 我上次踩雷 這次又要踩了嗎 哭哭 服務人員有練過 請過來 又ok了 上次在台中dell都沒這問題 不知道聽力會不會哭哭 有大大有試音都沒過 成績卻ok的嗎 ...

STN12283A 菁英站前

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-12-20T16:51
[評議] 1. 考場代碼: STN12283A 2. 考場名稱: Elite English Language Institute 菁英語言中心 (站前) (5F., No. 30 Xuchang St TAIPEI 100 ) 3. 考場 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-12-20T15:02
我剛考完今天12/20的IBT,一戰 所以有些地方不太了解 請問加試題是說哪一部份 我個人是在聽力做了三組題組,前兩題就快跳河了,第三題組又來真是嚇死我 還有口說有人覺得怪怪的嗎? 我怎麼覺得是不是只有5題而已.......難道是幻覺還是我手殘按掉了? 難道題目是可以選擇不答的嗎? 害我沒有心理 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2009-12-20T14:31
各位去查吧 呼~~~~ 鬆了口氣 - ...