關於CAS新規定 - 留學

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-06-04T12:40

Table of Contents

只要通過學校的測試(additional written work or Skype interview)

7. I have taken a recognised English Language test (e.g. IELTS/TOEFL) and
I have met the conditions of my offer from the University of York,
but I have missed one or more of the component scores specified by the UKBA

We will only be able to issue you with a CAS if you are able to demonstrate
a level of proficiency equivalent to level B2 in all four language components
(listening, reading, speaking, writing).
Please let us know as soon as possible if you have missed UKBA requirements.
Please email [email protected] quoting ‘UKBA – Missed Language’
in the subject line.
The University of York will be offering an alternative method of assessment
to candidates who have met the conditions of their offer from York, but have
missed the new UKBA requirements.

Applicants will be invited to participate in the University of York B2
Assessment Exercise, which may involve completion of additional written
work and/or participation in a telephone or Skype interview.

In order for us to determine the most appropriate assessment exercise for you,
it is important that you provide us with evidence of your current results by
uploading your test certificate through eVision (https://evision.york.ac.uk)

In conjunction with English language test results which meet our offer,
the University of York considers successful completion of the B2 Assessment
Exercise to demonstrate a standard of English language proficiency equivalent
to B2.

Evidence you will need to provide to the UKBA:
You will not need to provide the UKBA with any documents as evidence of your
standard of English language. We will confirm in your CAS that we have
assessed your English language proficiency.

Tags: 留學

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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-06-04T00:39
上來回報一下進度狀況好了 今天收到Bath的回信 他們說可以用第一次總分較低但是各項都達到UKBA標準的托福成績核發CAS 所以我不用參加考試了!! 看起來有些學校還是有點彈性的 所以建議大家也可以凹凹看 有時候也許只是學校沒想到路可以轉一圈喔:P ※ 引述《chianing (印度小公主)》之銘言: : ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-06-03T23:39
因為收到reject的信, 所以我寫信跟代辦說,是不是可以請他寫信幫我問學校我被拒絕的原因? 以下是他的回信: 學校不會告知你被拒絕的原因 只會說”你沒有到學校的要求標準”(不會是因為你的GMAT 因為他沒有要求/而你根本也沒有提供給他 他怎麼去審核你?! 這樣最多只能算缺件無法 審核 不會拒絕你) ( ...

愛丁堡 七八月房間出租

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-06-03T16:09
此為代PO, 若有意承租者, 請直接聯繫 sociology6926atgmail.com +447587798228 七八月房屋出租 位於 Summer Hall 附近 樓下有 42 67 路公車 直達 Kingand#39;s Building 對於 預先 來念語言學校的 同學 非常的方便 另一頭 走可 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-06-03T13:42
徵求倫敦市區8/8-8/14住宿(7個晚上) 我們是2個女生 如果您剛好有空房可以分租 請以站內信聯絡我 謝謝 ~~ 選擇的文章類別為短租 請詳閱板規 短期住宿提供者同一文章請勿重複張貼 並請勿張貼無關英國留學或遊學之徵租文章 (如旅遊徵求住宿相關文章) 如無視此勸導 原文將刪除 ...

請推薦倫敦住宿 (希望有將畢業的碩士生推薦現在住所)

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-06-03T08:05
我目前就讀Imperial College (近south kensington) 九月打算搬出宿舍 不知道有沒有即將畢業的碩士生覺得目前住的地方不錯 九月要搬出 可以推薦給我? (請寄站內信) 不一定要在south kensington附近 只要通勤時間在30分鐘左右的地方即可 但預算有限 希望 ...