關於bradford的申請 - 留學

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-07-06T23:17

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小弟我這個六月底剛申請了 幾所在英國的MSc

其中bradford 跟 strathclyde 兩所學校有給了我回覆

在我用online apply system申請bradford時 他有叫我選擇三個想念的programme

我第一個選擇了international business and management

第二選擇了finance 第三則是economic and finance for development

今天則收到了第三個program的 Admissions Administrator來信如下

Dear Mr Wang

MSc Economics and Finance for Development

The Admissions Panel have considered your application for the above degree
but feel you would be more suitable for our MSc Development and Project
Planning, MSc Public Policy and Programme Management, MSc Project Planning
and Management, MSc in Human & Organisational Capacity Building for
Development , or the MA International Development Management.

Please visit our website at:- www.brad.ac.uk/acad/des/course/postgraduate/
where you will find all the above degrees listed and check the information
for each degree. Once you have had time to study this information can you
please let us know which degree you wish the panel to consider you for.

Once you have indicated your preference of degree, the Admissions Panel will
make their final recommendations.




我申請了strathclyde的MIM international management

我在他的online apply system 上收到了訊息說

we are able to make you an offer and you will receive details
about this within the next few days.



我大致爬了一下版 實在找不到

我只知道 "要先習慣英國人的慢"



希望各位不吝賜教 謝謝

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-07-08T02:02


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-07-06T22:39
【職務說明】 1. Ph.D. in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering with experience in solvent selection for dissolving polymer preferred 2. Organic semiconductor polymer ...

Leeds & Birmingham 選校

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-07-06T22:29
很晚才來的選校文 Birmingham Marketing Leeds Advertising andamp; Marketing 兩個都是交通便利的商業大城 只要是商學院台灣人應該都很多 排名似乎也差不多 想請有經驗的學長姐給我些建議 有關課程走向等等 - ...

online visa application系統維修中 紙本可以嗎?

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-07-06T21:35
前天因為visa reference number所苦 所以沒立刻完成線上申請表 好不容易翻到舊護照(阿母還為此寄到台北阿...) 隔天卻迅速進入網站維護狀態 (網站哪天不維護偏偏挑這時...翻桌--andgt;失去理性ing) 本人因為怕預約不到所以事先預約星期三接近中午時間 現在簡直進入緊急狀 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-07-06T20:49
※ 引述《Tibet (amigo)》之銘言: : 標題下得不太好...andgt;and#34;andlt; : 現在荷蘭念書,持有荷蘭的學生簽證, : 想用台灣護照免簽證進入英國 : 但離開英國時間還不確定,所以目前考慮只購單程機票 : 請問這樣會被海關刁難嗎?是否要出示好友的地址跟其他資料(或是飯店訂房 ...

單人房出租 (近 University of Nottingham)

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-07-06T18:08
Location: 34 Meridan Avenue Beeston NG9 2TR Price: 每月165磅 不含帳單(夏天約30磅, 冬天50磅) 距離main campus west entrance 走路不到10分鐘 距 Beeston town centre 約走路 10-15分鐘 Bees ...