閱讀真題問題 - 英檢

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-07-17T20:39

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Likewise, the black-throat blue warbler of North American appears to prefer to
nest in tall hardwood forests with a dense layer of shorter trees and shrubs,
even though the birds will breed in forest with a lower shrub density . Eviden
ce for the preference comes from the fact thatbolder,experienced individual oc
cupy sites with a high shrub density , relegating yearlings to woodland with a
lower shrub density. Birds able to acquire territories in the forest with a h
igh shrub density give birth to significantly more young than those unable to
breed in this habitat, just as great tits able to nest in preferred woodlands
have higherb reproduction success than those nesting in hewgerow.

Which is true?
(A) They are able to breed as successfully as those of the same species living
in high-shrub-density habitats.
(B) They have less reproduction success than those of the same species living
in unexpected changes in the areas with a high shrub density.
(C) They can adapt quickly to unexpected changesvin the environment.
(D) They prefer the low-shrub -density habitat to one of greater shrub density

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-07-19T16:24
They 是指 black-throated blue warbler


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-07-17T13:33
【160716托福機經回憶分享】 各位同學大家好, 七月十六日托福考試結束, 下面跟大家回報真經班命中情況及分享部分真題。 也歡迎同學協助修訂補充,預祝大家考取理想成績。 閱讀 1. Poisonous Insects and the Birds that Eat Them(有毒昆蟲和吃它們的鳥類) 一 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-07-16T23:06
※ [本文轉錄自 GRE 看板 #1NYHfhFr ] 作者: Pin0307 () 看板: GRE 標題: [問題] 護照有效時間六個月 時間: Sat Jul 16 01:16:24 2016 大家好 小的原本是7/8考試 7/7號先去看考場 為了確保沒問題,問她需要帶什麼 考場人員:護照 我:這本對 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-07-16T17:37
大家好 剛剛看了7/9的出分,馬上決定要複查口說成績 不過剛剛跑到全家跟7-11傳真,都表示對方沒有接收 我是傳到 1-973-735-0386 和 1-610-290-8972 這兩隻號碼 不過都傳不過去,請問是假日不能傳嗎? 如果是這樣,是否等到星期一的晚上才能傳真? 謝謝各位 - ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-07-16T03:30
幹 無法脫離托福地獄 又要考了 崩潰 FKKKKKKKKKKKKK U 閱讀口說大爆炸 感覺真經班還是有一定效果 雖然超級貴..... - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-07-16T03:03
雖然知道大概都要等10天才會知道分數,但是翻以前的紀錄也有不到1週就出來的... 這種等待實在太艱熬了嗚嗚嗚,我要100up up plz~ 祝大家都能獲得理想成績! - ...