長江商學院 MBA 台北職涯座談會 - 4/22 - 英檢

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-04-18T14:01

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※ [本文轉錄自 MBA 看板 #1FZbV_Hl ]

作者: formosamba (FormosaMBA) 看板: MBA
標題: [情報] 長江商學院 MBA 台北職涯座談會 - 4/22
時間: Wed Apr 18 13:58:17 2012

本文連結: http://www.formosamba.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33773


For venue and schedule information contact: [email protected]

Accelerate your career in the world's most exciting economy. On April 22nd,
join Gavin Liu, Senior Manager of CKGSB's Career Management Center, to
explore your career potential and goals and discover how CKGSB’s MBA program
in Beijing can provide you with access to a world of opportunity. During a
special MBA career information session, Mr. Liu will provide guidance on
career development and CKGSB admissions counseling.

About Gavin Liu
Senior Manager of Admissions and CKGSB's Career Management Center

After graduating from CKGSB MBA, Gavin Liu has worked as admissions manager,
career development manager, and senior manager of admissions and career
development respectively.

During the past 6 years, Gavin has provided consultations to thousands of MBA
applicants and has helped hundreds of MBA graduates to find their career

About Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
CKGSB was founded with funding from the Li Ka-Shing Foundation, the
charitable organization created by Li Ka-Shing-Chairman of Hutchison Whampoa
and Cheung Kong holdings, to develop business leaders for the future. As
China's only non-profit, independent MBA program, CKGSB strives to identify
students with potential to be those business leaders and provide them with
the support they need to develop their professional skills, business acumen,
and careers.

CKGSB's world class faculty, unmatched insight into China and its trading
partners, and the exceptional global learning opportunities that it provides
to students, all play a role in achieving this task. These are just a few of
the reasons why CKGSB has been named as one of the top MBA programs in Asia
by Business Week and has one of the most influential alumni networks in Asia.


全台灣最專業 資料最豐富的 GMAT/ MBA申請/ 管理顧問/ 討論網站

~FormosaMBA 專業海外留學社群網站~ (傷心咖啡店)

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2012-04-17T23:17
大家好 由於想加強英文 想請問台南哪一家補習班有在補習 費用大約多少? 另外 請問一下哪假如自修 請問有常用自修課本嗎(聽說讀寫) 我已爬過精華區(可是種類繁多) 分享一下大家看法吧 謝謝 - ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-04-17T21:25
我總共考過4次托福,最後總算剛好100 因為過程有點囧,不知道會不會對大家有幫助,所以拖到這麼晚才上來分享 2010/12/11 R27 L26 S13 W24 T90 2011/08/13 R27 L22 S19 W22 T90 2011/10/22 R25 L24 S18 W22 T89 2011/1 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-04-17T21:23
我想請問一下我目前在日本讀書 ~ 3年級的時候想去交換學生 所以要考托福 想去的學校要90以上 兩年前的時候有自己讀過~買了參考書+看網路上的機經 考了73分~~ 所以這次想補習~ 回台灣大概一個月左右 請問一下大家有推薦的補習班嗎? 在台北市裡面~ 可能補一個月或2,3個禮拜的那種 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-04-17T18:07
┤┼├ ┤┼├ 留學撇步就聽這次!! ┤┼├ ┤┼├ ┤┼├ ┤ 國外學校百百種‧真正有幫助的是哪些? ┤┼├ ┤┼├ ┤┼ 就讓and#34;登峰and#34;專業級名師 ┼├ ┤┼├ ┤┼├ ┤┼├ 助你前進名校成就大好人生!! ┤┼├ ┤┼├ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ...

美加 2012條件式入學深度剖析免費講座

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-04-17T14:21
美加留學系列講座 2012條件式入學深度剖析 GPA不夠高  TOEFL成績不理想  GRE、GMAT來不及準備   不等於和名校SAY Goodbye 條件式入學是你實現夢想的最佳出口! ★本講座適合對象: .想一圓留學夢,但英語程度無法到達學校標準者 .短期內想出國留學取得學位者 .想提前去當地適應環 ...